Deep in the ocean

Kalyani Tupkary
Creativity and Computation Lab
2 min readOct 25, 2018

Oceans cover two-thirds of the planet, yet remain largely unexplored. As of the year 2000, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) estimated that as much as 95%of the world’s oceans are unexplored. —
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It’s a photo that I wish didn’t exist but now that it does I want everyone to see it”-Justin Hoffman

Amidst the layered beauty of the ocean lurks the ugly dark truth. This photo of a small estuary seahorse, (Hippocampus kuda) clutching a plastic earbud offers an allegory for our oceans today and tomorrow.

Interactive Shadow Box

This shadow box celebrates the wonders of the ocean while reminding the viewer about the murky future of water pollution.

Shadow-box making

