Blogging from Greece: Athens

Talitha Brauer
Creativity Is My Drug of Choice
1 min readFeb 1, 2016

This week I’ll be blogging, tweeting etc from Greece. Follow me on snapchat: talithachats and Instagram: talithagrams

Above is the beautiful Aysha of @withrefugees who is a human rights lawyer from Kuwait, volunteering her time here to assist refugees along their way.

Today I was at Pireaus Port, witnessing the arrival of thousands of refugees arriving from Lesvos after a weekend strike. People were in good spirits even after a long night on the ferry and a much longer journey before that. Volunteers awaited the ferry arrival with baby carriers, warm clothes, food etc on hand to give the refugees as they headed toward busses that will take them to Macedonia. Weary mothers held their babies in their arms while their older children helped carry the other packs.

Tonight we board the overnight ferry to Lesvos. Not sure how to prepare internally, but I am ready to go. Hoping to connect personally with a few families and hopefully encourage them after such a difficult leg on their journey. The word that keeps rolling around in my mind is “witness”.



Talitha Brauer
Creativity Is My Drug of Choice

Investigative Artist. Wanderer. I love colour, clean design, and vast open spaces. And you.