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How I Escaped Overthinking

Ally Cabahug
Creativity Seed
Published in
3 min readMay 13, 2020


I’m sure that all of us, in one point of our lives, experienced the feeling of drowning from your own thoughts. Sometimes our thoughts are not even real, they are just made up.

But these thoughts that we are constantly thinking could somehow ruin moments. Special moments. Probably even moments that could’ve open doors for more opportunities, but wasted because of this foolish voice inside of our heads.

So it is very important for us to have control over this voice, because this voice could either be the voice that will give you great and big ideas and push you to pursue your dreams whether how big or small it is, or the voice that stops you and somehow tells you your limitations.

So we want to focus on the good voice, right. Not the bad one. So, the question is, how?

How do we get that foolish and know it all voice out of our heads?

  1. Know your worth.

2. Keep yourself busy and active.

3. Surround yourself with positive things.

4. Find your happiness

I will break it to you. This voice won’t go, but the way you treat or respond to it, is the thing that needs to change. If you don’t know your worth you will most likely just go with the flow with what this voice is telling you to, even though it is not true, so far from the truth. You have to know your abilities and how far these abilities can reach.

Keeping myself busy is another helpful way of mine and it could also be yours too. When I keep myself busy I have no time for listening to that voice and just keep on going with reaching my goal.

I also recommend you to constantly learn new things because this could benefit you a lot. It could obviously benefit you from having new skills and what I said before you could avoid overthinking from this.

I always say to people who experiences these mental problems that they should expose themselves to the positive things around the world rather than the negative.

I know that in this time, the news always shows the reality of what is happening to the world right now and it is honestly devastating. But we should somehow avoid these negative stuff because this could badly affect our mental health.

What we consume is what we produce. — unknown

So let’s do our best to avoid these. While we are staying in our homes, safely and securely, we should try to develop our personal growth, practice skills and many other productive stuff that we could do in our house.

We live in a world where there are a lot, like I mean a lot, of judgemental people. People who experiences overthinking have a common ground and that is being afraid of being judged.

I experienced overthinking and I get easily annoyed when I am judged, so I tried to change myself, I tried different things that I did not enjoy, just for them to be pleased for me , but as years passed by, I realized that the judging just won’t stop, so I just continued doing what I love and enjoy.

If you are going to be judged, be judged doing what you love or what you are happy with. It will just be so much worth it in the end and you will be more happier. Of course if you are happy that means you have a happy heart and that is so important, because everything you do flows from your heart.

I know that there are a lot of people experiencing mental problems. I really wish this helps you in making a peaceful place inside your own mind. Always remember that you are worth it, the world knows that, and you just have to know it yourself. Believe in yourself. If I could get over overthinking, then you can do it too.

