Stages in Our Lives That Most of Us Experienced

Ally Cabahug
Creativity Seed
Published in
5 min readMay 14, 2020
Photo by Xevi Casanovas on Unsplash

When I was a kid, I was really known as the smiley girl in our family and in school. The girl that shines and releases positive vibes, even though some of my teeth back then were missing and crooked. I had big dreams and I believed in anything. I was a jolly kid.

I can only remember just a few memories and moments. But I can clearly remember the time when I was a flower girl at a wedding. I was walking down the aisle, holding my basket of flowers, while I gently and gracefully throw some petals by my sides. I will smile to some of the guests from their chairs and they’ll smile back.

Then just like that, a simple smile gives you warmth. The type of warmth that you feel from a hug. The feeling of having a smile returned to you is close to the feeling of reassurance. You can’t really talk through a smile, but you sure can feel a lot from it. I was really happy that day, even though I lost my front tooth in the morning because of eating sticky rice.

Before, when I was younger. I never questioned where happiness came from. I just feel it. Experience it. And I share it, just by simply giving a smile to people who don’t have theirs.

Lets speed it up by adding 5 years.

From a 7 year old child to a 12 year old.

When I turned 12 years old I experienced the most change in my life ( so far ). I changed physically, and mentally. In this age I hit puberty, probably most of us did.

Since I hit puberty my body shape changed, I grew taller( not that much though ), and my voice changed a little bit.

What also drastically changed to me is my mental health. I started to question everything. In that age, I realized that I do not know anything about the real world. The summary of my kid stage is Barbies, Disney, Cartoon Network, and Nickelodian. And honestly, I wish I was stuck with my Barbies instead of dealing with life.

At age 12, I experienced the feeling of stress and anxiety( yey ), and it is because of a school drama. I felt stress and anxiety because I did not know what I did wrong and I am not that type of person who likes to be in a drama. I surely didn’t want to make a mistake again, so after all the drama, I always overthink myself even in normal situations. It got worse when I try to be different, just for people to like me. It was my first time to experience that and I didn’t know it was not normal.

Then I got exposed to social media.

In the eyes of older generations, social media is a bad thing. Only a bad thing. When we are depressed, they think it is because of those phones or social media. Well the truth is, social media helps us to be educated. It’s true that social media could be bad at times, but these social platforms helps us see the reality. Being aware of things going on around us.

Look, I didn’t know that I was experiencing any problems with myself without the help of the phones or social media. Look, one year later I worked on myself and my personal growth and I am far from before, with the help of social media.

It is really our choice to choose what we will read, watch, like, retweet, and comment and etc. on the internet. It depends on the person. If you are well educated, you will use social media the useful and helpful way. The proper way to actually use it.

If you just find the right influencer on social media, you can enjoy it with no hate. Be inspired by the good ones, and follow them and be motivated. Just avoid the bad ones.

Now, I am 13 years old. I know I am pretty young and there are plenty more things to experience in life, and I am excited for that. I practiced and taught myself, if there is anything that the world will throw at you, always find something that you could learn from. If it hurts, you can pause and heal, but never stop permanently. Never stop. This is life, and this is our playground.

I changed myself, for the better. I am still not perfect, but at least I am better than before, and that is progress. I never waste time. I always do something productive like improving my skills, practicing new skills that I am interested in or trying to inspire people.

Growing up can be really scary, but exciting.

It is better to think of it as exciting than to be scared, so that you can make the most out of you life. Try everything. Don’t limit yourself by saying, “ I can’t do that”, anyone can. We were put in this world with the same amount of abilities and talent and it is up to you on how you will grow and make the most out of these talents. The people who succeeds in life worked hard for their whole life. They did not became successful overnight. They were once beginners like us. They were once just starting. You can start now too.

We do not know if there is a millionaire on the progress right now on this very moment and is making his first move. We do not know that the next famous singer is writing his/her first song. They just might be thinking right now and deciding their life, whether they should follow their dreams or just do a normal boring job, where they would not use their talents.

You. You should follow your dreams. Anything is possible. Have perseverance and believe and trust in yourself. Practice everyday.

Better to try and fail than never to try at all. — William F. O’Brien

I do not know what will happen to my future, but I will try everything to achieve my dream. I won’t stop. You should too. What is that thing that you always wanted to do? What is on your mind right now? Whatever that is in your head. Make sure you try it, and believe in your success. I am doing this for my younger self who had big dreams and I won’t fail her. You? Who are you doing it for?

