How to set clear expectations

A few steps to help you create a clear and steady relationship with your subscribers.

Creator Toolkit
2 min readJun 12, 2018


Drip creator Azikiwe Mohammed

In our guide to getting started on Drip, we mentioned that the cardinal rule is to let potential subscribers know what they can expect, and how often they can expect it. Setting those expectations is a bit of a journey — one that begins with an honest inventory of what you can realistically offer, and develops over time as you listen to your audience. Before you know it, it’ll become a steady exchange.

Below, we share a few steps that will help you ensure that you’re setting clear expectations for both yourself and your followers. After all, you’re in this together.

Be realistic.

Setting expectations begins with you. Don’t be afraid to think big and get creative; then put things aside, give it a day, and revisit your ideas with fresh eyes. Being honest with yourself at the outset about what you can regularly share on Drip will ensure that you’re not overextending yourself later. (There’s a balance between giving your subscribers a little extra, and creating an insurmountable burden for yourself.) Make sure that what you’re offering on Drip feels both good and reasonable.

Get a friend to review your page.

It’s important that your followers understand what they’ll receive by subscribing to you on Drip. Before you launch, find a trusted friend or two to read your Drip page: Do they understand who are you are and what you stand for as a creator? Do they understand what you’re offering in each of your subscription tiers? Use their feedback to clarify the expectations between you, the creator, and your followers.

Plan to adapt.

Your Drip subscription tiers begin as a best guess at what your subscribers might want, but keep in mind that you’ll have flexibility to add to them as your Drip progresses. Think of your early days on Drip as a valuable research and development period that will eventually become a permanent foundation. Listen to your audience as you go, and revisit your tiers accordingly. For example, if your subscribers are asking for a $5 tier, add one.

Finally — trust yourself.

Take a deep breath and understand that, by clearly setting the terms of the exchange with your subscribers from the get-go, everyone knows what they’re signing up for. Be confident that what you’re preparing to deliver is good, and worthy of support.

Trust yourself, trust your followers. You’ve got this.

