How to Qualify for YouTube Partner Program (YPP) & Start Making Money

Creator Cash
Creator Cash
Published in
4 min readJul 31, 2020

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If you’re a creator on YouTube and you want to get monetized as soon as possible, this article is for you!

You probably read the minimum requirements to be eligible and got spooked. One thousand subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the last 12 months is daunting—especially if you’re starting from scratch.

While it is a feat, it’s not impossible. And if you use these tips and create awesome content, then you’ll be well on your way to qualifying for YouTube Partner Program (YPP).

Create more videos. And post them consistently!

Having more videos for users to watch increases the chances of them watching your videos. If you post once a week and you get an average of 20 minutes of watch time, then posting twice or three times a week is likely to increase your average watch time.

Posting consistently also helps you gain a dedicated following. Users who can rely on your posts are more likely to subscribe, turn notifications on, and come back to your content!

Photo by CardMapr on Unsplash

Increase the length of your videos.

YouTube loves longer videos. YouTube wants to keep its users on its platform, so it rewards creators who post longer-form content by recommending their videos.

Not only does longer videos help with the algorithm, but it also helps you gain more watch hours. If users stay through your entire video that is five minutes long, great! You know what’s better? If users watch your entire video that is 10 minutes long!

Make enticing thumbnails.

Thumbnails are your first impression. They can make a user click to watch your video or move onto the next one. It’s a common mistake to think thumbnails don’t make much of a difference, but it correlates to your click-through-rate (CTR). Users might decide whether or not to watch based on their first impressions of your content.

A great way to improve your thumbnails is to look at high-performing videos. What do those videos thumbnails look like? Are they bright and fun? Do they continue buzzwords or no words? Once you’ve done the research, test it out! First, ask your friends or family: which thumbnails would make them want to watch your video? Second, use different types of thumbnails for your videos. Check your CTR and performance metrics to decide which ones are performing well.

Create binge-able content.

The best way to get more watch hours is to direct people to continue watching your other videos. Instead of them finding one of your videos helpful or entertaining, you’ve provided them with a series or playlist of videos to watch.

There are three steps to this tip: 1) create content that are related to each other; 2) put those videos into playlists; and 3) reference other content in-video.

Creating content related to one another is a great to keep your niche audience engaged. This (and having relevant playlists of videos) will also help YouTube recommend your videos in the sidebar. If you find that your videos about fitness do the best, then capitalize on that audience by giving them more to enjoy!

Don’t forget to talk about your other content in your videos. Link to them in the description or add on-screen cards to help direct your audience to other content they’d be interested in.

Check out what’s trending, and make content that has a unique twist!

Keywords and trending topics exist for a reason, so take advantage! Do your research to find out what people are into, and make it your own. It will help increase traffic to your videos because the topic already trending. Be careful not to crowd the space with more of the same content. Bring something special to the conversation.

Say there’s a new beauty trend people are raving about, but you’re a more of a reviewer. You might start thinking about how you can review other videos or products in a way that engages both your current and potentially new audiences.

Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

Building a community on YouTube is everything. And while you’re working on getting qualified for YPP, you’re also setting the foundation for a loyal subscriber base. Each video you post should be engaging from start to finish. You’re making content for the world, so capturing your audience will help you on your journey to becoming monetized and part of the YPP.

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Creator Cash

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