Graft Living — Eco Educators

Creators and Keepers
1 min readFeb 23, 2022


Creators and Keepers — S1, E3

Graft Living engages and educates their community through a garden and sustainable greenhouse in the heart of Southwest Detroit

In this episode, Aubrey Martinson sits down with Alex Kwon and Eric Douglas of Graft Living, a Detroit-based non-profit whose mission is to strengthen communities by reestablishing connection to Humanity and Nature. Graft Living pursues this end through place-based projects as well as youth educational programs. They are committed to inclusivity, recognizing the immense strength and beauty of diversity. Learn more about their work at

Our conversation with them highlights one of their projects, a community-supported greenhouse in Southwest Detroit. This greenhouse celebrates the surrounding neighborhood and was built as a learning platform for SW Detroit schools and neighborhood children, to increase food access, and built hand-in-hand with the amazing community residents. CultureVerse worked with Graft Living to create an immersive 3D experience to help teach the world about their amazing work. Explore the immersive experience here.

Creators and Keepers is an episodic interview series by CultureVerse, a Michigan-based charity that uses 3D scanning and immersive technologies to support artists, educators, and preservationists.

Full Transcript:

(Check back in a few days for full transcription)



Creators and Keepers

CultureVerse combines technological know-how, intense enthusiasm, and deep respect, to support the makers and keepers of art, culture, and knowledge.