3 Irresistible Advantages of Using Voice-to-Text for Writing Stories

In addition to the fact that it makes me feel like a magician

Bo Stapler, MD
Creators Hub
3 min readMay 25, 2021


Photo: Ekaterina Bolovtsova via Pexels

Right now, I’m just speaking into my phone and making sure the words show up correctly on the screen. They usually do. My phone’s voice recognition is definitely more accurate than it was when I first tried talk-to-text about six years ago.

This story isn’t about finding the most advanced dictation software for a computer or promoting a phone that incorporates the best microphone. I’ll leave that to the tech experts. It’s about why, as an author, I like to speak my stories and why you might enjoy speaking yours too if you don’t already.

1. My writing is more relational

Right now, I am literally talking to you. As my voice projects into the microphone, I’m envisioning you — the type of person who might be reading this article. Odds are you’re a writer, like me, with a desire to hone your craft, grow your readership, and relate to your audience.

When I speak a story like I am now, my words remain in the vernacular. Sure, I’d love for my natural prose to incorporate a plethora of demiurgic adjectives, but despite such high aspirations, that’s just not me.

Full disclosure: I had to type the word, demiurgic, because my phone didn’t recognize it — probably because I don’t know how to pronounce it — probably because my meager vocabulary prevents me from using words like demiurgic without a thesaurus.

The point is, my writing, which is often about health and science, is less apt to wander toward the realm of pretentious jargon and textbook-style tone when I verbalize my thoughts. This allows me to connect to my readers.

At least I think it does. Do you feel connected? That was a rhetorical question. Let's move on.

2. I write faster

My typing speed is a pedestrian 45 words per minute, but even the most proficient typists peak in the 80–100 word per minute range. Talk-to-text, on the other hand, produces an impressive 150 words per minute.

So for me, a story that might take three hours to type could be spoken in about an hour. Of course, that doesn’t factor in editing, formatting, images, etc., but it’s still a pretty significant time-saver.

More than just words per minute, though, speaking increases productivity by keeping me organized and better focused on the task at hand. I’m less likely to forget an idea while dictating than I would be while in the midst of typing.

As soon as an idea hits me, I can speak it onto the page. I’ll correct any transcription errors later. Just get the thoughts down and move on. This component to improving efficiency is more difficult to measure but an important factor nonetheless.

3. Less wear-and-tear on the body

I work at a hospital, and writing notes in my patients’ charts is an important but time-consuming part of my job. Voice recognition allows me to spend less time charting and more time with my patients. Reduced typing, in turn, translates to a lower risk of injury to my hands and wrists from repetitive strain.

For example, excessive typing can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome and overuse tendinopathies. Furthermore, writers with conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis may worsen achy joints in their hands by operating a keyboard for extended periods. I’ve even encountered patients who attribute their low back pain to prolonged sitting and typing.

Voice recognition technology provides these individuals with a means, not only to avoid assuming aggravating postures but also to enjoy healthy activities like walking while putting thoughts to page.

I hope you’ve found this short explainer helpful. My throat feels a little dry. So I think I’ll stop and grab a drink of water. Nice talking to you!



Bo Stapler, MD
Creators Hub

Health & science writer on Elemental & other pubs. Hospitalist physician in internal medicine & pediatrics. Interpreter of medical jargon. bostapler.medium.com