Email subscriptions are a powerful way to stay connected with your readers

Now available on your Medium profile page

Medium Creators
Creators Hub


Email is a strong channel to build an ongoing connection with your readers. As Samantha Zabell, senior manager of content strategy at Medium, writes, “sending messages directly to your reader’s device makes it a lot more likely they’ll see it, and if it’s packaged well, read it.”

With that in mind, we’ve improved the email subscription feature, making it seamless to build your email list and take your loyal following to the next level, right from your Medium profile page.

You can see the latest update in 3 Min Read:

Here are the highlights

The new email “Subscribe” button appears next to the follow button on your profile page, making it easy for readers to locate and sign up.

You can keep track of email performance and build email lists you can control and download.

You can encourage your readers to sign up for email updates by adding a customizable subscription unit to the bottom of every story you publish. It’s optional, so you’ll need to enable it in the Audience Development section in your settings, from desktop or mobile web.

Your profile page now has a dedicated and optional landing page where readers can sign up for email updates. Add a clever headline or a quick bio. It’s a quick and easy way to connect with more readers, even if they’re not on Medium. After you publish, they will see your full post, right in their inbox. You can find the link to your unique landing page in the Audience Development section in your settings, from desktop or mobile web.

More updates are on the way. We’re working on additional features to make connecting to devoted and new readers even simpler, like importing email lists and more. And for our Partner Program members, rest assured email won’t impact your earnings. Learn more here.

How to get the most out of emails and newsletters

It’s helpful to consider what makes an email or newsletter compelling when distributing your posts through email. Making sure the post has a clear purpose, subject line, and is scannable will make it more effective through email. For more, check out “How to Write the Email of Your Dreams.”

For a newsletter, Abby Aker’s “6 Tips to Grow Your Newsletter” includes checking your sign-up copy, considering your readers’ needs, and using book-ends to build a habit. To go deeper see the full article here.

Check out “Email subscriptions” in the Help Center for more information on promoting subscriptions, emailing your stories, tracking your subscribers, and exporting your subscribers.

