Story Spotlight

Helping Readers Forge Insights with the Right Set of Questions

Jennifer Osborne
Creators Hub
2 min readFeb 19, 2021


Photo by on Unsplash

Over the past year, many of us have been forced to reckon with unexpected shifts in our personal and professional lives. As we hunker down at home, Zooming in pajamas with children bickering in the background, it’s not surprising that we may begin to question our career choices and wonder “what if?”

In “5 Questions That Will Help You Figure Out What You Actually Want to Do With Your Life,” Julia Blum explores what it would be like if we could create our perfect day, in a comfortable “flow,” making enough money to satisfy our lifestyle choices.

Blum begins with a relatable confession: “How many hours have I spent pondering this question? How many books have I read, podcasts have I listened to, and people have I questioned?”

This honest opener nods to the rabbit hole so many of us fall into in the pursuit of living better. It’s easy to get lost in a self-help abyss online, and without a guiding light, we might forever wander through endless websites looking for the answer that…

