How to Edit and Manage a Publication on Medium

What writers and editors can learn from my experience editing The Writing Cooperative, one of Medium’s top publications

Justin Cox
Creators Hub
Published in
9 min readJun 28, 2022


The Writing Cooperative is Medium’s largest publication dedicated to writers. We publish a ton of writing advice daily. However, as JoAnn Ryan recently pointed out in an email, we don’t have a lot of advice for publication editors. While I cannot speak for all editors, I have developed a dedicated system to edit and manage The Writing Cooperative. If you’re an editor or aspire to create a publication of your own, perhaps my experience will provide insight and suggestions to add to your routine.

Here are my four tips for all publication owners based on how I edit and manage The Writing Cooperative:

1. Establish policies and procedures

Choosing to edit a publication on Medium is an act of love. While The Writing Cooperative was once part of the Publication Partner Program, Medium discontinued support last year. The only income generated comes from the modest monthly Patreon supporters, to whom I’m incredibly grateful.

I share this because time as a publication editor can be consumed incredibly…



Justin Cox
Creators Hub

I help writers and nonprofits grow. Editor of The Writing Cooperative. Contact at