How to Embrace the Art of Imperfection as a Writer

Your challenge: define perfection

Cassie McBlane
Creators Hub


Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

When I think about how I became a writer, I think back to my childhood, and the things that made me who I was — what drove me and influenced my values. After all, that’s what makes us artists; we use our belief systems to create an image of ‘perfection’. And then we aim to reach it. As writers, this behavior is tenfold.

So, let me ask you this: when you create art (be it through words or strokes), how do you strive to meet perfection?

Hint: There’s only one right answer to this.

Answer: You Don’t

As you grow up, whether you go through certain trauma or live out events that dictate who you become later in life, the world starts to shape the way you create art. And from this process of creation comes a perception of perfection, and every single one of us has a different take on what this actually is.

These days, creators are all too often bogged down trying to work harder and harder, desperately ‘optimizing’ their technique to come up with the next big thing. But they only end up doubting themselves more. “It’s not good enough. I’m not good enough.”

I hear you.



Cassie McBlane
Creators Hub

SEO writing coach. Blogger. Mum to one. All-round creative.