How to Use Medium Lists Effectively

Lists are the best way to organize your Medium stories

Dr. Casey Lawrence
Creators Hub
Published in
9 min readNov 13, 2021


Photo: Kelly Sikkema/Unsplash

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One of the most common pieces of advice I see from other creators on Medium is to stick to writing one thing. Keeping your content consistent will help build an audience for that topic or genre. Are you a travel blogger? Don’t post that experimental poem you’ve been working on. Serious journalist? Don’t bother writing fiction, your audience won’t care.

However, this advice doesn’t take into account how varied and multifaceted most Medium writers can be! Why limit yourself to one genre or topic when you have so many important stories in you?

If you’re a Medium writer who writes in many different genres like me, it can be hard to keep track of your own stories once you start posting frequently. How, for example, can I recommend my journalism to one reader, and my poetry to another? Tags of course were designed to help direct readers to specific topics, but the system isn’t perfect.

I like lists, an easy and functional way to organize your stories. Launched in beta during July 2021, lists are particularly useful for readers wanting to curate articles…



Dr. Casey Lawrence
Creators Hub

Canadian author of three LGBT YA novels. PhD from Trinity College Dublin. Check out my lists for stories by genre/type.