How to Get Addicted to Writing

Creation is actually good for you. Do it every day.

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Photo: Matthieu Spohn/Getty Images

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Addictions are usually addictions to consumption. I’m no stranger to addiction. I’ve tried pot, booze, people, sex, food, caffeine, histrionics, TV, and news scrolling. I’ve tasted many things to alter my mood and every one of them came up empty. In the end, it’s still up to me to be happy. No matter how I try to alter my mood, I still have to contend with reality. When the buzz is gone, the reality is still there, waiting for me to do something about it.

At the end of the day, when everything that I could possibly do in a day is done, I still have to decide to be happy.

I’ve been up since 4 a.m. I was recovering from one more bout with GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disease. Yesterday, I wanted to snack on stuff, the wrong stuff, and all day, I suffered coughing fits. I paid the price. And every time I coughed, I remembered that I’m coughing because pepsin, a powerful digestive enzyme from the stomach, is working on my throat. I have even found that I could be addicted to that process.

