New Writers

November Highlights From Medium’s Newest Writers

Welcome, new friends. We’re glad you’re here.

Michelle Woo
Creators Hub


Photo: Peter Dazeley/Getty Images

Every month, we’re highlighting stories by a few of our newest Medium writers. (Check out last month’s roundup here.) This month: a writer remembers a life-shattering tragedy; a scholar shares an irreverent history of filtering photographs; a tech professional offers sage career advice. Please give them a read and a follow! We have the feeling there’s a lot more great writing where these stories came from.

The Day That Remapped My Life by Amanda Berger Rosen

The house felt both full and empty. I worried about what would happen next, my life no longer followed the map I had been using — would I go back to school in California? Would we run out of money? Would we still feel like a family? Would I ever be happy and whole again?

Why We Chose To Unschool by Ian Rush

I believe the most critical question for parents to consider when sitting on the fence of home vs. traditional education is: Why are you doing it? Are you doing it because it’s the trend on social media or have you actually put some sincere consideration into what the move will do for your family? When you can answer the why, not only will it clarify your direction, but it will equally keep you going through the easy and hard days.

Filtering through the Ages: Humanity’s Obsession with their own Image by Dr Natalie Woodward

I wonder how far we could go back in time, before we found a representation of humanity that wasn’t effectively “filtered” for status and glory. Certainly, I can think of a number of times I’ve walked through a section of a museum filled with cracked pots from Ancient Greece, wondering if the men partaking in naked athletics were quite as oiled up and godlike, or if they looked more like a bunch of lads storming the football pitch, covered in beer suds with bellies to their knees and arses reminiscent of a collapsed soufflé.

Professional Advice I’d Still Follow If I Was Starting My Career Again by Jackie “The Myrrick” Beiter

If you’re going to half-ass a thankless job — you’ll probably half-ass your dream job as well. Don’t allow yourself to be exploited, but you’ll feel less hopeless if you can squeeze every drop of value out of what you’re doing.

All the Leaves Are Brown … and I’m a Basket Case by KiKi Walter

It didn’t take more than a couple of years to recognize the pattern. November through February. Like clockwork. November would hit and so would I — like an anchor breaking away from its vessel. I would sit at my iced-over bedroom window listening to sad music, watching the grayness blend upon other grayness, the last of the leaves clinging for dear life, hating that the holidays were just around the corner, which I had a passionate love-hate relationship with at the time.

Thanks for being here and for sharing your stories! Are you publishing your first post on Medium? Add the tag Hello World and it may be included in a future roundup. For more resources, advice, and inspiration for writing on Medium, check out the Medium Writers Starter Pack.



Michelle Woo
Creators Hub

Author of Horizontal Parenting: How to Entertain Your Kid While Lying Down (Chronicle Books)