On Keeping a Notebook

Yes, yes, Joan Didion, and goodbye and hello to all that

Carley Moore
Creators Hub


Photo: Isabel Pavia/Getty Images

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In her now-legendary essay “On Keeping a Notebook,” Joan Didion writes:

Keepers of private notebooks are a differ­ent breed altogether, lonely and resistant rearrangers of things, anxious malcontents, children afflicted apparently at birth with some presentiment of loss.

And later:

How it felt to me: that is getting closer to the truth about a note­book. I sometimes delude myself about why I keep a notebook, imagine that some thrifty virtue derives from preserving everything observed.

Didion is adamant that it’s not a diary and that it may be full of lies. But ultimately it’s about “keeping in touch” with oneself. I like all of this. I was once a big Didion fan. I still love her for all that she opened up for personal essayists. I don’t find her to be a journalist at all, but that’s okay.

A palm tree being blown by the wind with red flowers at the base of it.
Photo: Taylor Simpson/Unsplash



Carley Moore
Creators Hub

Prof type, single mama, and disabled queerdo // Books: The Not Wives; 16 Pills; Panpocalypse (March 2022)