Remember The Time | Write Here 10

Creative writing prompts to help your thoughts and your words flow… ✍🏽

Jolie A. Doggett
Creators Hub


Hey writers! For 10 weeks we’ve been gathering Write Here (see what I did there?) to get inspired and share our thoughts and our stories. It’s been so fun coming up with new prompts every week and seeing how your writing can flourish from just one sentence.

To help keep this creative and fun, I wanted to share a bit of advice:

Don’t think too hard.

These prompts are meant to light a creative spark in your mind and I say just go with it! No need to try too hard to create the world’s best essay. If you feel inspired to make a list or write a letter or even just one really dope paragraph, that’s great!

One of the prompts below encourages you to write about the first thing that comes to mind. It doesn’t have to be long or super detailed, just put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and let it out. You may be surprised where the flow takes you.

Go with the flow… (Photo credit: Getty Images)


“I remember…”

Finish the above sentence. Write about the most impactful memory that emerges. Is it an early childhood recollection or a memory about someone else? Do you remember a big life event or a seemingly insignificant moment that had a major effect on you? Is this memory happy? Sad? Unforgettable? Tell us what you remember and tag “Writehere.”

What have you outgrown?

An outfit? A hometown? A job? A habit? A person? What do you hope to outgrow one day? Write about what you no longer have room for and tag “Writehere.”

What makes you feel like your best self?

When do you feel your best? Is it first thing in the morning? When you receive praise from a loved one? After you clock out on Friday afternoon and your weekend begins? Write about where you are, what you’re doing and who you’re with when you feel your best. Tag “Writehere.”


Email me! jdoggett@medium.com. Check back here every Monday for new prompts and tips.


Check out previous prompts and Write Here rules:



Jolie A. Doggett
Creators Hub

writer | editor | reader | podcaster | people person | (i used to work here ☺️)