Revisions are Re-Visions | Write Here Wednesday

Your stories about notable do-overs

Amy Shearn
Creators Hub


Photo by Laura Rivera on Unsplash

Earlier this week, we asked you to re-imagine a piece of writing, or a moment from your life — or both! As always, the results were thoughtful, smart, and surprising.

Some of you imagined what would have happened had your life taken another turn:

Uncle Sam Doesn’t Want You

A pivotal moment in my life was when I enlisted in the Air Force. I passed all the medical screenings, the written tests, and the background checks. But what if I hadn’t. What if I had failed the written test? Waiver? The medical screenings? Another waiver? I wasn’t in the greatest shape at the time — flat feet, knee and ankle issues, bad eyesight. What if the Air Force told me “Sorry, you failed your physical, we’ll have to pass.” — Fudgin' Politics

I Want To Be Like Taylor Swift (Mindsmatter’s Version)

There are several points of life that I wonder what decision I would make with what I know today.

How many times have I been about to make a big mistake and I never knew it? What if that bus that I missed because I was late fell off a bridge?

What would have happened if I had been disciplined and consistent with music? Would I be a successful drummer today? Was I destined for glory but my laziness stop me from achieving it?

Could I be the Taylor Swift of drums? — Mindsmatter

What If I Had Abandoned My Assumptions and It Ended in Cheerful Bliss?

I would have been happy making a slower entry into my graphic design career than to leave my dad for all those years, which is what my reality was.

A phone call doesn’t replace the smiles and touches and occasional hugs. When my dad was in the hospital, I got to visit him every night on his death bed. Priceless. I wouldn’t trade those days for anything. — Nancy Blackman

While Amanda Laughtland noted that sometimes “what if”s are better off left alone:

How I Let Go Of What-Ifs

Maybe it’s my history with psychotherapy talking, but when I think about the past, rather than imagining how I might have acted differently at key moments, I usually try and understand more about why I chose what I chose, and I look at what I’ve learned since then.

Look out for more prompts next week. In the meantime, respond to any of our previous prompts, and tag your posts with “Writehere.” We’re always scouring the Write Here topic page for great stories!



Amy Shearn
Creators Hub

Formerly: Editor of Creators Hub, Human Parts // Ongoingly: Novelist, Essayist, Person