Writing Prompts: Strangers & Dangers

Some fresh, crisp writing prompts for fall 🍁

Amy Shearn
Creators Hub


It’s the season for everyone’s low-stakes hot takes on who loves autumn the most. (Spoiler alert: It’s me! But I liked it before it was like a THING, I SWEAR.) Forgive this very Eastern-Woodlands-of-North-America-centered take, but where I am, this is a season of change, a season that reminds us of how gorgeously surreal life on Earth is, and also how everything dies. But in such a pretty way!

Here are some ideas to get you writing this week, a couple of which are perhaps seasonally appropriate. (That said, everyone is of course welcome to write to these prompts whenever you happen to come across this! Hello from the past, where once it was fall!) We can’t wait to read what you come up with.


Here are some prompt ideas from me and my colleague Harris Sockel. Write whatever these prompts inspire — whether that’s creative nonfiction, fiction, poetry, or something else — and post it on Medium. As always, tag it #Writehere so we can all find each others’ work on the Write Here topic page.

Remember a stranger

Tell us about an encounter with a stranger you’ll probably remember for the rest of your life.

“Dear Jerk”

Write a letter to your childhood bully. For extra credit, write another one from their point of view, if you can imagine it.

Get spooky 🎃

What’s the creepiest place you’ve ever been? Was it horror-movie-basement scary? Or maybe more like uncanny/unsettling/weird-feeling? Describe it — or write a brief scene that takes place there.

Pumpkin-spice prose

Think of a flavor or smell that you really strongly associate with a certain person. Write about that person, and what the scent means to you or makes you think about.


Leave them in the responses and we will try to address them all. And don’t forget to check back here every Monday for new prompts and tips.

Check out Write Here guidelines and previous prompts:



Amy Shearn
Creators Hub

Formerly: Editor of Creators Hub, Human Parts // Ongoingly: Novelist, Essayist, Person