The Angel Investor With a Writing Habit

Sarah Drinkwater writes about web3, community-based ventures, and the future of funding

Medium Creators
Creators Hub


Here on Creators Hub, we’ve been featuring writers we admire across Medium. This month, it’s Sarah Drinkwater, an angel investor with deep experience working in tech. She writes fascinating, accessible stories on Medium about her community-first investments in a diverse array of fields, from femtech to fintech to the future of work. But before she did any of that, she was a journalist — and Medium has helped her find a way back to the written word.

We asked Sarah some questions over email.

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.

If someone only reads one of your Medium posts, which should it be and why?

This piece on the time someone gave me $10,000 with no strings attached — and what I did with it. Firstly, because I wrote the piece fast (trying to beat a journalist who was working on my story too) and I think it came out well; but secondly, because it articulates so many of my beliefs around community, solidarity and serendipity.

How has Medium helped you develop your voice as a writer?

I’ve been in technology for 15 years but, before that, I was a journalist and writer. Writing’s a muscle and it’s been great the last few years getting back into the practise and having an easy place to publish.

What are the last three profiles or publications you’ve followed on Medium?

Startups & Society Initiative: I spent three years thinking about how founders operationalise values. S&S are a set of stories on how.

Sharmadean Reid MBE: Just one of the best business thinkers out there.

The Bold Italic: Because I used to live in California and sometimes I miss it.

Is there a specific feature of Medium you really enjoy?

The ability to highlight; it gives such utility for the reader but also acts as good feedback for the writer that we rarely get elsewhere.

What do you wish you’d known before starting to write on Medium?

Editing is so easy; don’t agonise over it, just make it live. If you want to redraft later, you can.

What’s the best piece of writing and/or creativity advice you’ve ever gotten?

Writing is rewriting; I write fast and find this line reassuring. Get the bad draft out first then make it better.

