Who Do You Write For?

Medium Creators
Creators Hub
Published in
1 min readJun 3, 2022


There are times when we write simply because we have to. We have something coiled up inside that we want to express, so we scribble it into a journal, or scrawl notes in a notebook, and afterwards we feel better. In these cases, the writing itself was the point. But what about when we want readers?

Writing for readers, however, is an act of communication. Just like in a conversation, you have to think about the other person: what they’re interested it; what they want; what they are ready to hear. This becomes even more important if you’re looking to convince people to follow you on Medium and read everything you write, or sign up to receive your stories via email. Knowing your reader will help focus your writing and build your audience.

So tell us, who do you write for? Beginners in your field who would benefit from your expertise? Experts in your field whose attention you’d love to have? People who are interested in software engineering/health and wellness/cats/whatever? 17-year-old you? 71-year-old you? Let us know in the responses.

Amy Shearn and the Creator Support Team @ Medium

