Write Here

Writing Prompts: Working On It

Mining your professional life for story ideas

Kaushik Viswanath
Creators Hub


This week, Amy Shearn handed me the reins to Write Here, to offer some writing prompts on Creators Hub. It just so happens that tomorrow, October 26th, I’m co-hosting a Medium Creator Workshop with Kate Green Tripp called Write What You Know: Turn Your Professional Experience Into Stories Readers Want. (If you haven’t already, it’s not too late to register for the workshop. And if you miss it, don’t worry — a recording will be available here on Creators Hub soon.)

I saw a tweet recently claiming that the October-November-December months feel like the weekend of the year, in that they’re tough months to get any work done. While we’re still in pre-holiday mode, and since the theme of professional experience is on my mind, I thought I’d offer some prompts that urge you to use work as a source of inspiration for your stories. Happy writing — we look forward to reading your work stories!

Publish your response on Medium, and don’t forget to tag it #Writehere so we can all find each others’ work on the Write Here topic page.


What’s some career advice you would give to your younger self?

Any risks you should have taken but didn’t? Any uncertain choices you made that worked out for the best? Would you tell a younger you to work harder, or to go easier on yourself? And — as you give your past self this advice, do you find that any of it still applies for you today?

What do you wish someone would notice you did, and thank you for?

Work is full of minor challenges that we’re required to solve without our peers or supervisors asking for it, or even noticing when it’s done. What’s something you do that’s unappreciated?

What was the worst job you ever had, and what was the best?

And what made the biggest difference between the two ? Was it the industry, the company culture, your manager, professional satisfaction, or even just the money? Or, perhaps, was it you that changed between those jobs?


Leave them in the responses and we will try to address them all. And don’t forget to check back here every Monday for new prompts and tips.

Check out Write Here guidelines and previous prompts:



Kaushik Viswanath
Creators Hub

Previously: Creators & Marker @Medium and business books at Penguin Random House.