Writing Prompts: It’s Been Two Years

This week’s writing prompts are about processing the past two years of the pandemic

Amy Shearn
Creators Hub


Photo: Artur Debat / Getty Images

The pandemic has been a different experience for everyone, but for those of us on the East Coast of the United States, this week marks two years since the initial shutdowns and stay-at-home orders, two years since Covid really made itself felt in our daily lives. While none of us knows what lies ahead for the pandemic, this seems like as good a time as any to take a beat and consider: What the heck just happened to us?

Tag your posts with WriteHere, and take a peek at other creators’ work on the WriteHere topic page. You can also drop links to your posts in the responses of this post if you feel like sharing.

What you wish you knew

What do you know now that you wish you’d known two years ago? What have you learned in this time? If you could go back and tell March-2020-you something, what would it be?

The best worst thing

What’s happened in the past two admittedly difficult years in your own life that turned out to be surprisingly great? What are you grateful for?

Field work

How has your industry changed in the past two years? Do you work in a field that disappeared, or was newly invented, or that was impacted in some way by world events? How so? (More work-related prompts here!)

You’re welcome to join us for open writing hours on Thursdays at 1:30 p.m. PT / 4:30 p.m. ET, through March 31. Use this meeting link to join (the passcode is: Medium). All we do is provide chill music and some optional prompts, so if that timing doesn’t work for you, feel free to set aside your own writing hour sometime. Sometimes just putting it on the calendar makes all the difference.


Leave them in the responses and we will try to address them all. Don’t forget to check back here every Monday for new prompts and tips.

Write Here guidelines and last week’s prompts:



Amy Shearn
Creators Hub

Formerly: Editor of Creators Hub, Human Parts // Ongoingly: Novelist, Essayist, Person