Conducting a Virtual workshop using Design Thinking Method

Shreya Salian
Creator’s Jam
Published in
13 min readJun 29, 2020

“Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer’s toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success.
— Tim Brown, president and CEO, IDEO

Design Thinking process involves defining the challenge and coming up with solutions by using problem-solving toolkits. The 5 stages involve:
Emphasizing, Ideating, Defining, Prototyping and Testing.

Two-day online event process.

A physical workshop has its charm of presence, social interaction, physical engagement with materials, mental focus and a sense of motivation. Whereas on the other hand, a Virtual Experience feels like staring at a mirror, that is looking right back at you. Thus, creating a certain barrier of self-consciousness, anxiety, distant feeling, distraction and uncertainty that may occur. Though these challenges are inevitable. It is our job to provide a valuable experience which is memorable.

For this reason, I would like to shed some light on our experience of conducting a virtual workshop using some fun tips and tricks. (Some of the tips can also be used for meeting or gathering) So Let’s Get Started!

1. The Ideation Phase.

Ideation is like a spark of fire. Convey the view or idea and then leave it up to the team to instigate various ideas. This way each member can come up with different views bringing out a wider perspective.

Design Thinking method that can be used to help the process:

  • Each member gets to write down their ideas separately (digital or in a book) in their own time to avoid any interference or influence of ideas.
  • Set a date and time for a meeting, where each member can read their ideas and give further explanation on their views. Once all the members are done move further to settle with one.
  • To put down these ideas, one simple option is the Excel sheet. To collect ideas as a team in a systematic structured way. A side option can be placed with- (The entire pro’s and con’s and the possibility of development or building on it too are possible.)

-Cluster method
As each individual shares their ideas, lay the notes in a common board or a document. Cluster method involves arranging all the similar ideas together in one sector further giving it a main title. The ones that do not fit in any group can be a separate idea, rewritten or described more to fit in on the given categories. Once this process is done. The team can move on to the Dot Vote.
(For creative purpose: initial letter vote, emoji vote etc)

-Dot vote
Each member is given 2–3 dots to vote on an idea that resonates with the purpose they want to accomplish. The rule: Only one dot per idea is allowed or two dots vote can be given for one idea depending on what the facilitator of the team suggests. This method is a quick idea selection without influence.

2. Communication. Always ask than assume.

Mixed feelings of anxiety, uncertainty or nervousness can arise when working in a group. Taking a positive approach in communication can help ease the vibe, making everyone feel involved and a safe zone to express with no judgment. An example: Ending the conversation or thought by asking, What do you think? any opinions or suggestions? from other members. Be aware of allowing the member to speak completely without interruptions, asking whether they are done? If yes, then continue by asking for feedback from the remaining members that haven’t asked.

Design Thinking method that can be used to help the process:
To get to know each member, using the three’s:
Their skills, strengths and weaknesses and one proud moment.
-Values or Personality that describe them using an emoji.
-A childhood picture with a backstory.
-Communicate with “I feel like”, “how about…” or “yes and”.
-Use hand gestures or emoji’s instead of interruptions.
-Start with Check-in and Check-out.
(Ex: How are you feeling? Sing a song of the mood you feel? What do you appreciate? etc)
Needs (every individual has needs like exercises, 15 min break, make sure to communicate these needs)
-Never forget to always lift up the mood by ending the day with: Great job, good work, appreciating qualities and amazing work done.
-Active listening should be a priority too!

3. Make sure of an Agenda.

Prioritising What needs to be developed, taken further, immediate focused on, release and by When. Deadline is a must for each category. Agenda informs everyone of the plan and the responsibilities of each member. A structured agenda helps the internal team to communicate the structured flow externally. Agenda is like the spine of any meeting. Saves time in understanding the desired outcome. This is possible by:

Design Thinking method that can be used to help the process:
IDOARRT (Intention, Desired Outcome, Agenda, Roles, Responsibility and Timeline)
This method can also be given to the teams to help build a structure.
-A demo of the process can be created in Excel with: The main subject, Side with the process, name of the person taking charge, date, time and deadline.
-Highlighting helps in visual understanding like: priority, moderate and leisure.
-Participant, Speaker and Panellist plan with deadlines can be done with the same Excel or Google Doc.
-To-Do, Doing and Done.
-Make sure to use only one point of contact for sending all information.

4. Categories folders.

Each folder is categories from Creative Assets to Resources and Mailing. Leaving out only the immediate files for use. Tracking of folders becomes easy, organised and gives peace of mind. Always have a relevant title which is understood by all. Therefore, even if a member misses the meeting or call. They can have easy access to be updated. For groups, it is advisable to have different folders for each. It is a plus point to have a note of what all is required for each group to help the process.

Different folders for main groups like Participants & Speakers/ Panellists. Therefore, two separate folders.
One for speakers (that consisted of all the information, mail and details) other for participants (Agenda, certificates and presentation already prepared for them to use)

5. Always have a follow-up, alignment and check-up before the event.

Ensure a day of the week is given for follow up or meeting to get an update of the team progress than prolonging which saves time and creates a mindset to get the work done. Preferably by a Zoom call to have more effect on the team’s progress, status, troubleshoot, feedback and additional query. WhatsApp works well for a minute check-up. Sending an advance meeting calendar check-in zoom or google keeps the team aware.

Participant schedule/agenda was sent out beforehand to keep them updated on what to expect, making them feel like part of the process and having them aware of the timing, schedule, tools and process.

Design Thinking method that can be used to help the process:
Having a checklist. Either in Excel or Google doc and highlighting the ones which are completed.
-Trello or preferred apps of your comfort works well too.
-To-Do, Doing and Done
-Add a comment section too, in case any member has a comment.

Along with all the intensity of creating a marvellous experience, make sure to check up on each other. After all, we are humans with emotions. Therefore having 15min off-work talk lightens the mood. (Like Fika:)

6. A Pre/ Dry run-through of the process.

This is where all the excitement happens.


-What are the apps going to be used to manage the groups?
-What are the means of communication for participants?
-How are we going to allocate the group and what process to follow or looks like?
-What information to pass on & when does it need to be communicated?
-How will the participants be informed? (mail or by phone message/ group)
-When do we allow the participant to join or enter the zoom chat?
-What is the design process that the team facilitators need to follow, what instruction is required or for any doubts to be clarified?
-When to break the ice and with what method? Is it in the pre-phase or in the main event?


-Check all the technicalities with different apps or platforms beforehand with organisers as well as the participants a day prior.
-A mutual understanding between facilitator and the participants is required. In order to guide them through the process.
-Symbols of emoji, like raise your hand for queries or short keys, information should be communicated clearly in advance to the participants to have a smooth flow, avoiding delay or time consumption in searching during the event.
-Time and decorum should be respected.


-Time management.
-Going through the agenda.
-Always remember to give instructions beforehand.
-Stay connected through chats, Whatsapp.
-Always be prepared for some unexpected technical scenarios.
-During this process, don’t forget to ask for any questions or doubts.

7. Don’t be afraid to ask for additional help. If needed!

Confirmation should be in advance days before the event. To be able to give a run-through on the structure, planning and process that needs to be followed. This also helps them to clarify any doubts beforehand keeping them prepared.

Things to keep in mind
-Have mutual understanding and constructive feedback. If it doesn’t work, working together. Be open about it, at the beginning itself.
(if you still choose to continue, a method called Start, Stop and Continue can be followed. What the member can start working on as a self development, what they need to stop and a existing quality which they should continue)
-If they are experienced. Ask them to guide you, to better yourself.
-It is teamwork. Therefore, when it comes to facilitation, make sure equal opportunities are given to both.
-Learn from one another.
-If you are doing in parts. Be clear in who takes what part.
-Make sure to give them a run through of the process and why it is being used. This is for organisers to be prepared when it comes to Participants: (during the event)

8. Ice Breakers.

Icebreakers neutralise the situation creating a fun and comforting vibe.
Have a set of icebreakers ready beforehand. This doesn’t have to be an elaborate process even the smallest and simplest of 5min works.

Things to keep in mind: The audience, some do not prefer to immediately present themselves visually or vocally till they have a driving force or comfort. Especially when it’s a group of 3+ unknown people. To ease the vibe, it is up to the organiser to first initiate the video giving a comfort level and to inform them beforehand. If materials are required, it should be mentioned earlier.

Method that can be used to help the process:
-With the first letter of your name draw an animal.
-Stone, paper and scissor.
-Sing a song with the first letter of your name.
-Write or draw the place you are from.
-Draw an emoji of yourself.

9. Strict time limit.

The shorter the event is, the more restrained time frame will be there. It is very important to maintain and respect time. Time applies even when it comes to hearing each member, a general time between 4–5 mins works. Time helps to get the whole experience inflow. Use time wisely while using different design methods/ techniques or processes which can be crucial to get the best outcome in time. It’s important to remind the group to do more during the workshop than talking.

The method that can be used to help the process:
-Always keep a timer. (Either in your phone or any resources that help alert the members)
-Being strict can be tough especially when you’re new to the concept but using humour like times up, drop them pencils and pens down and so on work well. Reassurances like: am sure you all gave your best or did a good job. Can make the scenario warmer.
-Some prefer music for generating ideas. So make sure to ask if they would like it or not.

-A 15- 20min break, interval or an energiser (an ice breaker) is the key.

10. Being connected and quick Check — up between gaps.

Being an organiser and facilitator is a lot but to be connected with each other during all times, either in WhatsApp, Slack, Zoom or any private communication platform that suits your internal team helps the process. During the 30–40 min lunch breaks, an update was passed on how the progress was going, if any troubles arose, heads up or status of the team was passed. In our case, it was a WhatsApp group or personal Zoom talk before allowing the participants/ Speaker and Panellist.

Design Thinking method that can be used to help the process:
-Keeping a chart/ diary of learnings of all the ups and down from each team facilitator through the experience.
-This becomes an asset for the event to develop questions like: How to improve, What worked best, What were the mistakes, What could have been added, What was missing and so on that fits your event.
-Start, Stop and Continue.

11. Stick to one structure.

Start with a basic design structure. Further, then customise to what suits the team and time frame. Additional techniques were also used to add more value to the outcome which varied from each team facilitator. Make sure to explain why the process is used and its purpose, for non-designers to understand.

12. Pre-Prepare the boards & design tools for the team.

A set of design boards were prepared in advance along with a run-through of the process before the event. A folder containing all the Design tools/ Resources, links to additional sources were added in a document if required for the participants. Always make sure to keep it simple and easy for the participant to understand.

Design Thinking method used to help the process:
-10 min brainstorm of what the challenging or concerns were to the topic.
-Cluster method followed by using dot vote to selected one main selection
-How might we (to find solutions)
-What, Why and How
-3 value, 3 audiences and 3 personality
-Competitor(or research phase)
-Concept Ideation (Crazy 8 idea, 5 min brainstorm, impact vs effort, journey mapping and so on)
-Below these boards were a set of 2–3 dots with designated colors for the participants to vote.
-Have different colour sticky notes for each member.

Miro collaboration platform was used for the team.

13. Individual boards for participants

Miro was the platform used for collaboration. One section was dedicated for individual boards with their names on them to help ideate their thoughts individually without any interference. Once done within the time limit. The instructor too can guide the team more effortlessly. The first board goes ahead reading their notes further moving it to the mainboard. Which works more in an organised format where all are heard, involved and motivated. The facilitator needs to be a friendly guide, not demands or orders.

Design Thinking method used to help the process:
- Individual boards can consist of drawing sections, sticky notes and dots.
- In the side, a list of short keys can be presented to help the process.
- A doubt or questionnaire section can be added.
(A parking lot)
Sometimes in between discussion a member might spark a question but wouldn’t want to interrupt or lose the thought. Therefore having a questionnaire section helps the facilitator keep a track on whether it is relevant for the moment or needs to be kept aside for later which is why it is termed Parking Lot.

14. Have cameras on during main events.

Having cameras on is more friendly, comfortable, inclusive, engaging, humanly approach and helps the host to navigate, who wants to communicate, the vibe and bond. A visual presence during the workshop allows the facilitator to have a check on the participants, navigating through the process, if any doubt or trouble arises, a clear instruction can be given immediately.

15. Use of hand gestures

Visually hand representations like the thumbs up for being done, understood, time out, move on or unable to hear can be immediately pointed out moving forth the process faster than waiting on a text.

16. Singing out (feedback, lovebomb)

Ending any situation with a positive note is the key. There are a few methods that can be used to get constructive criticism.

Design Thinking method used to help the process:
Each member writes a positive note to the other team members and puts it in their individual designated board.
Superhero: Writing a quality that stands out as a strength of each member.
(This needs to be done individually in a sticky note without discussion.)

As a Facilitator or Organiser: A main board can be put out and left for the participants to fill it out with titles like:
-What they liked, What to work on, What to look forward for?
-What they expected, What was missing, what they enjoyed
-What new did I learn? What do/did I appreciate?
-Testimony board: where participants are free to give testimony

17. Documenting the process

Documenting gives a substantial record of the knots and bits, mapping out a whole journey of the efforts that were put into it. Whether it is a successful or failed process. It gives room for growth, betterment, evidence, statistics, things we missed out and memory which can be shared to everyone who was a part of it :) Before documenting please ensure to get the consent of everyone who is a part of it.

The method used to help the process:
-Recording(video and audio)

Creators Jam, May 2nd–3rd 2020 ( Members: Akash | Anoushka | Jayasaagar Chandrashekar | Kishanio | Sanjiti | Shreya Salian| Varsha Sriram | Vidhita Patel|

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Virtual workshops have their benefits. For example, it makes us more self-aware. No matter how planned or structured the event is, no one can foresee the unpredictable scenarios that falls in one’s lap but the best we can do is try to avoid it or work wisely & fast.

These are some insights from our experience that we are more than happy to share with you. We hope that this helps you in setting up or gives an insight on how to set up your first-ever virtual workshop in a team or for external purposes, to get the most positive experience. Am always open to many more perspectives, suggestions and opinions. In case you have had a different approach or any key points towards a virtual experience that you would like to enlighten us with, feel free to mention it below. Please be mindful in giving constructive criticism. We are all here to learn from one another, grow and help each other out.

If this has helped you in any way feel free to comment below :)

