A Quick Update!

Kristi Cassidy
Creators Rising
Published in
2 min readJul 28, 2022
Photo by Karly Santiago on Unsplash

Hello friends. It’s been a while! Over the past few months, we have discovered that building a nonprofit organization in a category that doesn’t exist yet is a very time-consuming project. Who would have thought it?

But we are at a rather exciting stage. Membership signup is ready, and we’re actively spreading the word about the Indie Sellers Guild — that is, the “union for online sellers” born from the Etsy Strike of 2022! I plan to resume my series of blog posts about the story behind the Etsy Strike starting tomorrow. If you haven’t yet read the series and would like to catch up before then, you can see all of the articles here.

If you haven’t heard of us, and are curious to find out more about the Indie Sellers Guild, here’s a statement our writer volunteers collaborated on to introduce our organization:

This year, we helped organize the groundbreaking Etsy Strike of 2022. Nearly thirty thousand Etsy sellers participated in the strike — the largest in Etsy’s history! We made international headlines and, together, we were able to win a small but important victory in the form of seller-focused changes to the controversial Star Seller Program.

More importantly, we helped show the world that Etsy sellers aren’t just folksy crafters and side hobbyists; we’re workers, and it’s our labor that enables Etsy management to rake in hundreds of millions of dollars. We deserve a place at the table and a share in the success.

In order to get it, we’ve created the Indie Sellers Guild, a labor organization to promote the interests of online sellers of handmade, unique, vintage and craft goods all over the world. It’s time that indie online sellers leveraged our solidarity and our vast numbers to make our voices heard by big tech platforms.

Sign up is free to our all-volunteer run union. Every voice added makes us all stronger! Together, we can make a difference!

Exciting times. :-)

Please help us spread the word about the Indie Sellers Guild!

