7 Searing Truths Tanking Society

World dynamics that have societal implications.

Rick Govic
Creators Sauce
Published in
6 min readOct 1, 2022


Image by Jezael Melgoza/Unsplash

As world dynamics are in constant flux, it’s hard to keep up with the constant changes.

We‘ve entered a period of deglobalization.

While countries create new partnerships with their neighbors, countries also look to be self-sustainable.

This increases costs and causes many societal implications.

Mainstream media lacks critical thinking, as most journalists work for corporations with an agenda.

Good or bad.

Either way, modern-day journalism lacks a solid foundation for “news” worthy content because, depending on the country you live in, media organizations run a vast network of propaganda led by government politics and private interests.

It’s harder now than ever to find news coverage with a balanced viewpoint to educate the masses rather than instill fear and confusion.

“If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you do read it, you’re misinformed. . . What is the long-term effect of too much information? One of the effects is the need to be first. Not even to be true anymore.”

Denzel Washington

#1. China will never be the world’s superpower.

Alan Trapulionis delves into China’s one-child policy uncovering Chinese culture at its core. Young adults are required by law to support their parents, putting more pressure on younger generations to build families for China’s future.

Alan’s thoughtful research shows us that China has systematic risks in its housing, banking, and cultural climate, so China does not have enough bandwidth to become the next superpower.

China has a multitude of issues it is currently facing, which is worth its own article, but Alan does a great deep dive into what’s in store for China’s not-so-distant future.

#2. Great Britain has lost all its credibility.

The sterling has reached a record low of USD$1.035 after its new government overhaul revealed stimulus packages focused on tax cuts for the richest in society.

Interest rate rises will hit 40% of all English mortgages starting in January 2023. If that doesn’t burn your toast, if you’re English, you will also see a record in energy prices, higher food costs, and more expensive consumer goods imported from Europe in 2023.

But how did Great Britain get to this epic failure of managing its society's finances? London is Europe’s leading financial services for the second year running.

umair haque presents the harsh truth of how Great Britain has crumbled as a society because Brits have blamed immigrants and minorities for their problems. Instead of looking at solutions, Brits have thrown stones at European immigrants leading to Brexit.

Umair has summed it up well, as Britain has gone backward as a country by 50 odd years.

#3. Putin is not your friend.

Depending on your viewpoint, Putin has been provoked to enter Ukraine by the meddling of the West. However, war does not belong in the 21st century, so any excuse lacks moral grounds for the death of anyone, anywhere in the world.

Sylvain Saurel reminds us that Putin is not innocent by any means. Sylvain’s article is a sour reminder of Putin’s reach, strategic intelligence operations, and the fact that Putin has been funneling money to populist governments worldwide, meddling in countries that don’t concern Russia.

Putin is x-KGB foreign intelligence who now runs an entire nation.

#4. TikTok is breeding a generation of useless U.S. teenagers.

Everyone needs to read Isaiah McCall’s reminder to all parents.

TikTok is not birthing a generation of wealthy media moguls. Teenagers in the U.S.A. are now spending hours of their time on pointless dance and lip sync videos.

Dire times for anyone who knows time is the most valuable commodity anyone owns.

Nationalism is the most powerful political ideology on the planet. We invent these concepts of national identity that are filled with myths, legends, and propaganda that sometimes have no bearing on reality, and sometimes we even go to war over them. Every country has it to some degree. It’s also why Chinese influencers and politicians have literally, and I quote, said that the West is “decadent” and “rotten to the core.”

— Isaiah McCall

#5. Australia needs to give up its economic growth for environmental ethics.

You know you’re in a predicament when you live on the driest continent on the planet facing climate change. Still, your whole economy relies on the export of coal and raw commodities to other nations to contribute to massive amounts of pollution and intensify climate change.

A real eye-opener by Alan Trapulionis.

Australia is lagging behind the rest of the world in its climate policies, while the entire country is having a political debate on whether climate change matters.

Australians are literally between a rock and a hard place.

Australia is the largest exporter of metallurgical coal and the second largest exporter of thermal coal. It is either economic suicide to minimize coal exports or societal collapse to continue warming the planet by burning its coal exports.

Australia is currently going through massive bushfires, floods, and an increase in temperatures that demolish many regions across its continent.

#6. Without robotics and AI, the world will suffer.

Perspective is everything.

Tune into a news broadcaster, and you’ll hear or read about agricultural issues, food shortages, etc.

The truth is that the world has almost hit its population peak.

Data analysts project that the world will have halved its population within the next 80 years, which doesn’t account for another pandemic or brutal war.

If the population halves, you better hope we have implemented enough AI initiatives to do the jobs we’ll need for society to keep expanding.

We’ll need technological advancements in AI to help agriculture, transport, international trade, manufacturing, and more. I don’t believe the people left on this planet, as the older generations pass, will want to drive trucks, mine commodities, and be in production lines when their wealth exceeds the need for blue color jobs.

#7. Recessions are forces of creative destruction.

You can’t lower house prices without raising interest rates.

We need to bring back fair value into market dynamics. People can’t play victim to being pushed out of the housing market and then complain about rising interest rates.

We need to find a better equilibrium.

Government spending through monetary and fiscal policies has been reckless. Now it's time to bunker down and ride out the volatility for the next five years.

Jessica Wildfire puts it to us that it's not all bad.

It isn’t.

We need to liquidate bad companies. Get rid of bad investments, bad management, and bad business.

The Global Reset we have to have.

Wrapping it up.

I love to read fellow writers that bring differing perspectives to the changing world environment.

The world is in constant flux, but it's all for the better.

If you feel overwhelmed, you’re not the only one.

If you look at human history, analyze it, research it, and pick through it with a fine-tooth comb, then you will find out society has only gotten better as time has moved forward.

Mainstream news is no longer the best place to digest information.

Mainstream media is dead.

Keep creating.

📚 Need to build your digital business? Read my book on Amazon → Content Titans: How To Create 6 Figures in The Digital Economy.



Rick Govic
Creators Sauce

Author: Content Titans -> How to Create 6 Figures in The Digital Economy. Read on Amazon/Kindle.