Everyone is Quiet Quitting Their Jobs

Most companies don’t value their employees

Rick Govic
Creators Sauce
Published in
2 min readSep 5, 2022


Image by Jason Goodman/Unsplash

People have lost confidence in employers.

Many of my friends in their 30s have quit their job to start something new.

Younger generations feel disenfranchised from the workplace too.

People still at their desks have ‘quiet quit’ their job.

Those who have ‘quiet quit’ haven’t sent managers a resignation letter. They have simply stopped going above and beyond in their role.

  • No more unpaid weekends.
  • No late nights burning the midnight oil.
  • No extra responsibilities.
  • An end to superfluous meetings.

It’s no surprise whatsoever.

Why take your job seriously when your boss doesn’t?

Hence the era of quiet quitting.

All of my friends have a similar story.

  • Leaders in organizations who coast and delegate their jobs.
  • Long unpaid hours without any foreseeable future of a promotion.
  • C-level executives who can’t manage people.
  • High-paid senior executives with redundant skills or degrees that haven’t been upskilled digitally.
  • A sexist systemic culture that has no repercussions.

No one cares anymore because companies have failed their most valued employees on every level.

Corporate leaders aren’t coaching staff, guiding them to develop better soft or hard skills, or even acknowledging career progression.

But wait; “Can you come in over the weekend to finish this report by Monday?”


Wrapping it up.

Employers need to be realistic about the value they’re giving their employees beyond a salary, free beers on Fridays, and a parking spot.

Companies are hiring highly talented individuals with an arsenal of digital skills beyond their older counterparts to do research and operational work that a graduate can do.

Corporates across industries are killing innovation by stifling talented staff.

Large corporates must stop placing highly talented people in a corner to service a well-oiled machine that makes executives more money. When people outperform their duties, corporates find a flaw or irrelevant reason to cut them down and keep them on their hamster wheel.

Wash, rinse, and repeat.

📚 Looking to build a digital business? Read my book on Amazon → Content Titans: How To Create 6 Figures in The Digital Economy.



Rick Govic
Creators Sauce

Author: Content Titans -> How to Create 6 Figures in The Digital Economy. Read on Amazon/Kindle.