How Switzerland Stayed Neutral in World War 2

Explosives set up by the Swiss

Rick Govic
Creators Sauce


YouTube Screenshot @7:57 / How Swizterland Stayed Neutral

Johnny Harris is the best investigative journalist on YouTube. It’s not because he puts his life at risk while covering conflicts or natural disasters across the world. It’s because he answers our deepest curiosities, like how the heck did Switzerland stay neutral during World War 2.

“The Swiss like to be neutral. This country does not like conflict. They avoid it at all costs.”

- Johnny Harris

According to Johnny Harris, there are 3 main reasons as to how Switzerland was able to stay neutral in the 1940s whilst surrounded by Nazi Germany in the north and fascists Italy in the south.

Step #1: Bomb your borders.

Switzerland rigged all entry points into their country with explosives. When they built bridges, they rigged them with TNT. During the 1940s, they even had Germany help build a bridge, which unknowing to the Germans, the Swizz set up explosives. It’s not an easy feat to outsmart the Germans.

Mountains were also rigged with explosives so that at any given time, the Swizz could detonate them and cause landslides to block roads that are entry points into Switzerland.

Step #2: Use your mountains.

Thousands of tunnels have been built through the mountain ranges of Switzerland. These were also rigged with explosives to prevent any invaders. But, the Swiss didn’t stop there. The Swiss also built bunkers within their mountain ranges that still exist today.

These secret bunkers have beds and living spaces for troops, cannons, and explosives in the event that any country tried to invade Switzerland. Bunkers were also built under farmhouses, which to the naked eye, look innocent. Layered under these farmhouses are bunkers forged as defensive strongholds that troops can live in and be prepared against an invasion.

Step #3: Pander to bad people.

To stay neutral, the Swiss had to play by different rules to safeguard their country and keep their people safe.

“In addition, Switzerland allowed the Nazi regime to store gold & art & other valuables that were looted from victims of the war. . . Not a super good look.”

- Johnny Harris

Neutrality for Switzerland meant that they had to deter and defend their country by any means possible. Switzerland’s official foreign policy doctrine meant that they needed to trade with both allies and foes. In fact, Switzerland traded with Germany and provided them with anti-aircraft guns.

YouTube Video: Johnny Harris on how Switzerland stayed neutral using explosives during World War 2.

Summary & takeaways

Johnny Harris delivers on every front with his YouTube channel.

The topics he covers are unique and exciting. In fact, his documentary-style content is so impressive that Vox media picked him up to work across impactful journalism worldwide.

Switzerland has dismantled and removed TNT from public infrastructure, and their bunkers are now used for extra storage. Some of the mountain fortresses and bunkers have been sold and turned into hotels, swiss cheese storage centers, and data repository facilities to keep data backed up by companies.

If you thought the Swiss were clever before after you watch Johnny Harris’ video with spectacular visuals and details surrounding Switzerland’s mountain-ranged bunkers, you would definitely find the Swiss even more interesting.

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Thank you for reading,

Rick Govic



Rick Govic
Creators Sauce

Author: Content Titans -> How to Create 6 Figures in The Digital Economy. Read on Amazon/Kindle.