Creating Joy with JoyMakers Innovation Sprint

Inbal Elazar
Published in
4 min readApr 11, 2019

Last week we were extremely excited to have our final event of JoyMakers program. We mentioned the JoyMakers program several times, and now, after the final event, it’s time to share the process and what we’ve achieved. The Creators process for the JoyMakers program included 8 steps:

Step One — Research and Analysis

Altogether, we had 10 sessions with our partner’s team (Joy Ventures) devoted to analyzing and defining the mission and the challenges we are aiming to solve — the outcome of those sessions was the basis for the JoyMakers Program.

Step Two — JoyMakers Program Launch

We published the program among our community colleagues and reach the exposure of over 110,000 views and responses from thousands of engaged individuals. After the application process started, we conducted over 31 hours of interviews — we accepted the total of 67 Joy Makers to the program. The participants came from various backgrounds: engineers, designers, psychologists, brain researchers and even Yoga teachers — basically the perfect combination of people needed to create cutting-edge technologies for wellbeing.

Step Three — Meeting JoyMakers — Education Day

During the first meeting with Joy Makers, the experts from the field of Neurowellness were invited to provide all the knowledge needed in order to create outstanding ideas in the world of emotional wellbeing. Joy Ventures did an outstanding job creating the short list of the best experts in the field, who then shared their insights and inspired Joy Makers to think big and understand the world of Wellbeing Consumer Technologies better.

Step Four — In-Depth Research and Team Building

As we all know, one of the most important components in developing an idea is researching and validating the challenge first. After providing our entrepreneurs with the most relevant challenge research and validation methods, their task was to start their own research and understand the challenges better. Their task was to “go out of the building and talk to potential customers”, as well as understand the existing products, the wellness markets and the real pain points.

And of course… to team up!

Step Five — IDEATION — full disclosure, our favorite part J

At CREATORS, we believe in the power of ideating. That’s why in the last years we’ve developed our unique methodologies for ideation activities. At this part of the program, we guided our teams on how to get the most of their imagination, and discover the best ideas to tackle the chosen (and validated) challenges. We invited UX experts to give their own inputs for relevant ideas. At the end of two intensive ideation days, we had 15 teams with 15 new ideas, ready for the further validation and prototype development.

Step Six — Steering Committee

The Joy Ventures team met all the teams to advise them and support their process, making sure they are on the right track. The teams had access to Joy Ventures mentors throughout the program. However, it was important to give them the structured, formal support as well. The Steering Committee turned out to be the perfect tool for that. The ideas grew quickly following the meeting with Joy team.

Step Seven — Innovation Sprint

For 12 hours at Impact Labs — the Tel Aviv’s hardware heaven — our teams developed a prototype so they could test their assumptions and prove it! The task was simple — check with ten people that your solution works — and ask for feedback to make sure you learn from their experience as well.

Step Eight — Final event — prizes announcement

In our last gathering, we were excited to see how in a bit less than 2 months, 13 high-quality, innovative ideas came to life. It was exciting and satisfying to see the program’s teams pitch, share their lessons learned and discussing the next steps in their venture building process. Great done!

We want to thank all of our partners — especially Joy Ventures and Impact Labs — that chose us to jointly create this successful innovation journey!

