7 Astonishing Facts About Pigs You Didn’t Know

Because they are way more than just bacon

Noemi Tuba


Photo by Ben Mater on Unsplash

If the names Piglet, Porky Pig, Babe, or Miss Piggy bring up some happy memories, then you might be delighted to know that pigs are indeed quite remarkable beings. And although they are not quite ready to fly or dress up or become famous TV personalities anytime soon, their repertoire of skills is still pretty impressive.

Are you not convinced?

Here are seven fascinating facts about pigs that will likely amaze you.

1. Smarter than dogs

It might come as a real surprise, especially if we consider how differently we treat pigs and dogs. Nonetheless, pigs are more intelligent than our favorite four-legged companions. They have a three-year-old toddler’s intelligence, and they are among the five most intelligent animals on the planet amongst chimpanzees, dolphins, elephants, and crows. Unlike many other species, pigs can recognize themselves in the mirror, and according to a fascinating new study, they can even play certain video games.

Not bad for a piggy!

2. Clean animals

Let’s be honest when we think about pigs; the word clean is likely the last thing that comes to mind. For instance, in certain traditions, pigs are considered to be too unclean to be eaten. Whether you share the same views or not, I think it’s fair to say that most people see pigs as somewhat dirty and smelly creatures.

However, it couldn’t be further from the truth.

In reality, pigs are spotless. When they have sufficient space (which sadly never the case in factory farmings), pigs separate their sleeping areas from where they relieve themselves. The same is true for young piglets.

3. Very social creatures

Pigs are incredibly social. They not only form close bonds with each other but with other animals and humans, too. To keep warm, pigs love to cuddle up and prefer to sleep nose to nose. (And they dream, too!)

Like so.

Roy Buri from Pixabay

(Yes, you are right. They are adorable.)

4. Excellent swimmers

If it wasn’t impressive enough, pigs have another skill under their belt.

They can swim.

It’s not only that they can swim, but they are very good at it. Believe it or not, there is even a place in the Bahamas where the only residents are pigs, and it’s called (surprise, surprise) Pig Beach. These pigs live a lavish life and are a bit of a celebrity. Pigs, celebrities or not, use swimming while crossing water to seek food sources, find better habitats, or escape danger.

5. Don’t sweat

“Sweating like a pig.” I’m sure we are all familiar with the saying. You likely use it yourself, too, sometimes. (I certainly do since I’m a bit of a Sweaty Betty.)

Well, as it turns out, pigs don’t sweat since they don’t have sweat glands. The way they overcome this problem is by rolling in mud and swimming in water. These activities also save them from getting sunburned.

6. Love belly rubs

These social creatures like to use trees to rub and scratch on, but they prefer to get a good old belly rub from their human companions whenever they can. (And if you ever had the chance to give one, you probably agree that it is as joyful for them as it is for yourself.)

Well, pigs certainly know how to live life to its fullest.

7. Have excellent memories

Pigs have excellent memories and highly developed learning skills too. This study shows that piglets can copy their mother by simply watching and remembering and performing the same task weeks later. Since we know they are smart enough to play video games, this shouldn’t even come as a huge surprise, though.

Do you agree?

As you see, regardless of the bad rap, pigs are pretty amazing creatures. They are indeed sentient beings and can experience all kinds of emotions and feel pain. Nevertheless, these animals are rarely considered living beings, let alone worthy ones.

Let’s be honest; for most people, pigs are nothing more than hamburger fillings and pizza toppings. Like many other farmed animals, they are considered as mere commodities rather than individuals.

There is some good news, though. (There always is!)

More and more animal sanctuaries are opening worldwide where pigs live happily free from exploitation. They are well-loved and cared for just like any other animals. To experience firsthand just how amazing these creatures are, go and visit the nearest sanctuary in your area.

Just don’t forget to take some apples or carrots with you and give some belly rubs!

By the end, you might realize that they are indeed just too cute to be eaten!

When we learn to respect all life, we learn to love all life. — Anthony Douglas Williams

For more piggy cuteness, check out Sleepy Pig Farm and Instagram superstar Esther, the Wonder Pig.



Noemi Tuba

Professional astrologer. Passionate vegan. Permanent meditator. Possible writer. I write about all the above and this thing called life - sometimes in rhymes.