Anecdotes | Perspective

8 Types of Pet Owners That I’ve Encountered as a Veterinarian

Are you one of them?

The Introverted Vet
Published in
7 min readMar 25, 2021


Photo by Leandra Bischofberger on Unsplash

Working in the Emergency Department of a busy Veterinary Hospital has shown me many things.

As the saying goes, you just never know what will come walking through those doors.

Sometimes, what clients perceive as an emergency in their pet may turn out to be absolutely nothing (Is that a tick or a nipple?) whereas other times they truly are the “drop-everything-and-RUN (Read: speed walk with intention)” emergencies.

The type of client attached to any one of these patients varies greatly too. They range from the downright eccentric to the complete oblivious. And from what I’ve seen, you can never judge a book by its cover.

Here are 8 types of pet-owners that I’ve encountered as a Veterinarian:

1. The ‘Do everything, money isn’t an issue’ client

These clients are the dream. Their pet comes first, even if they have to work a second job or sell their car to pay the invoice. These are also the types of clients who may have pet insurance for their pets or have a savings fund made specifically for their fur-baby. They…



The Introverted Vet

Emergency Veterinarian in Australia | Advocating for vet mental-health & public awareness of our profession | @introvertedvett