
9 Things to Know Before Getting a Pet Rat

Their needs are more intimidating than their size

Sage Crystal
Published in
8 min readNov 12, 2020


Photo by Derrick Treadwell on Unsplash

Imagine this — You’re perusing the internet, and you see a post about how amazing rats are, and what great pets they make. After seeing their cute, squishy faces, you think to yourself: “How hard could they be to take care of?” So you start planning to get some. The only problem is: Where do you start?

I can help with that. Here are some things I’ve learned, after owning fancy rats (pet rats are often referred to as “fancy rats”)for a few years.

1. Before getting a rat, check the vets in your area

Rats are considered “exotic” pets in most locations. Make sure to call around to the vets in your area prior to purchasing your rats, to make sure that they are able to treat them if they run into issues. The last thing you want is a rat with a serious issue, and no way to help them.

2. Rats are prone to respiratory issues

Rats have incredibly sensitive respiratory systems. They will almost always in their lifetime have some form of respiratory infection that you need to treat. This is not an unsolvable problem, I’ve had many rats with URIs (upper respiratory infections)…



Sage Crystal

Poet, Exotic Pet Owner, Aviation Enthusiast. I have loved writing for as long as I can remember.