A Day in the Life of a Rescue Greyhound

Laura-Jane Clements
Published in
4 min readJun 5, 2020



A loved greyhound is a happy greyhound — Photo authors own

Whenever we are out walking with our greyhound Dash, she always attracts a lot of attention (which she loves). People want to stop and chat about greyhounds and the most common comment we get is about how much exercise they must need. People seem to think we are being dragged about by this super energetic dog who can’t stay still. This could not be further from the truth!

Greyhounds? Don’t they need a lot of exercise?

Every dog is different of course but generally, greyhounds are fine with 2 x 20 minute walks a day with the occasional sprint in an enclosed space (most greyhounds DO NOT have good recall). We give our girl plenty of garden time during the day and then a longer 40 minute walk every night. Other than that, they sleep. A recent poll of my greyhound Instagram friends all said the same thing. If they are not exercising or eating, they will be sleeping.

With this in mind, I thought I would share with you a typical day in the life of Dash, the rescue greyhound.

Wake up looking like a supermodel

I’m ready for my close up — Photo authors own



Laura-Jane Clements

Host & Producer of Fell in Love with a Hound, the podcast for people who love rescue greyhounds. Dog lover. Advocate for part time & flexible working. TV addict