Animal Anecdote

Adopting a Rescue Dog Takes a Special Breed

But I wouldn’t trade my experience for anything different

Aimée Brown Gramblin
Published in
4 min readJul 24, 2020


Juno, July 2020. Photo by author.

I found Juno through a local rescue organization. She had been staying at a veterinarian’s office for about two years, confined for most of her days. The vet techs adored her, but there was only so much time they had to interact with her before other duties pulled them away.

Juno is named after the teen mom in the movie Juno. True story. As far as we know, she was a street dog, covered in ticks with her two puppies in tow when someone decided to rescue all three.

Soon, the pups were adopted and Juno was still at the vet’s. She was a wet-nurse for some new pups. They also got adopted.

When we met her, she was a beautiful, shy dog, almost 3 years old. She has the black and white patterning of a Dalmation and the look of a Pointer mixed with a Pitbull. She has many breeds in her makeup according to the DNA test I ordered — American Staffordshire Terrier, Akita, Chow, Rotweiller — you know, the scary breeds.

Naively, I brought her home after my family had met and approved of her, thinking things would be smooth sailing. We decided to get a young dog, but not a puppy, so housetraining would be taken care of. I also wanted to…



Aimée Brown Gramblin

Age of Empathy founder. Creativity Fiend. Writer, Editor, Poet: life is art. Nature, Mental Health, Psychology, Art. Audio: