Animal Anecdote

All living Things Deserve Respect

Even cute pets should not be touched without consent

Shefali O'Hara
Published in
2 min readSep 25, 2020


Photo by Ramiz Dedaković on Unsplash

Many years ago, I was hanging out in my front garden with my cat, Snoopy.

Snoopy was a remarkably friendly cat. She would allow friends who came over to pet her once she warmed up to them. Everyone wanted to pet her because she was a beautiful Norwegian Forest Cat with long fur.

So it was no surprise that, as we hung out in the garden, soaking up some sun, a little boy came over wanting to pet my cat.

But he didn’t ask. He just went towards her.

“You’re making her nervous,” I warned him. “You might want to slow down.”

He didn’t listen to me. He marched up to Snoopy and leaned down to pet her. She was having none of that and bolted. She ran underneath my neighbor’s car in the driveway next door.

“You need to leave her alone,” I told the little boy. “You scared her.”

“I just want to pet her,” he whined. He reached under the car.

“Stop that!” I said. “She doesn’t want to be petted!”

He got on his knees and pulled himself under the car. At which point, Snoopy lashed out and nailed him with her claws.



Shefali O'Hara

Cancer survivor, Christian, writer, engineer. BSEE from MIT, MSEE, and MA in history. Love nature, animals, books, art, and interesting discussions.