Am I A Bad Person For Holding A Grudge Against My Dog?

Learning to love unconditionally

Harley Jane
Published in
4 min readJun 9, 2021


Black Havanese looking at camera with head tilted
Photo by Author

Yes, I know he looks adorable. You might be wondering how a face like that could ever do anything wrong.

Most of the time, he is a little angel. And when he is a little terror — which he can be — he has his good looks to fall back on.

Can I please get some sleep?

I love my animals, but sometimes they can be exhausting. It’s always the middle of the night when they want to start their shenanigans.

This particular night, it was a non-stop circus starting around 1:00 am. Arlo jumped off the bed with a thud that made him sound like he weighed 150 pounds instead of 15.

The bed isn’t even far off the ground. I don’t know how he manages to rattle the entire house.

Huffing and puffing, he runs to the back door. He starts howling at some unsuspecting creature that is probably attempting to break into the bird food.

So, up I go, to wrangle him back to bed.

Annoyed and tired, but not quite angry yet, I gently nudge him away from the door. That’s when he turns into Cujo and starts snapping at me like he is a…



Harley Jane

Animal lover, numbers nerd, CPA. Writing on various topics including animals, personal growth, soul searching, entrepreneur journey, and some comedic relief.