Bug Bites…

How eating insects may save the planet

Katy Cable


By Katy Cable-The Weekly Runt / A 4 min. Read

When I was eight years old. my dad, in an effort to get me to give up Ding-Dongs and Oreos, told me about how “junk food” was made. He insisted that all kinds of bugs often got mixed into these crummy processed snacks. Turns out, those very insects may have been the healthiest thing about my indulgence.

If you’d have told me just a year ago, there may come a day when insects are a major staple in our diets, I would’ve thought you were CRAZY! Now, I’m excited to share my experience and hopefully open your minds to joining the swarm of “insect-eating” people and pets!

While visiting Pismo Beach, a popular beach town in Central Coast CA, I remember a street vendor selling crickets and grasshoppers dipped in dark chocolate. He also had tequila lollipops with a worm inside. It all seemed repulsive and I couldn’t believe people actually paid money to eat them. For me, this was just like a challenge that would get me booted off the island on a reality TV show.

At the Las Vegas Pug Party, I had my eyes opened and my mind changed when I met Laura Colagrande, co-founder of Chippin Snacks. She kindly offered my little Pug Olive one of her apple, cricket, and flaxseed snacks. Olive has never met a treat she didn’t like, and…



Katy Cable

I love PUGS, cappuccinos and bad carbs. Put my Hashimoto’s into remission with simple food swaps. My holistic tips can help save you a rent payment in vet bills