Perspective Piece

Can You Have an Owl as a Pet?

If you can overcome these challenges and you still think that you can handle an owl as a pet then you can have one.

Saqib Ali


Photo by Dennis Buchner on Unsplash

Owls are one of the most fascinating and exotic birds in the world. The famous Tv series Harry potter has inspired us that Owls can make amazing pets. But let’s get practical can we have an owl as a pet? Owls are wild birds and keeping a wild animal at home as a pet is never a good option. Yet still, it’s not impossible. There are many things you need to consider if you plan on keeping an owl as a pet because it’s not a parrot or a canary bird we are talking about.

Some Challenges You Will Face If You Plan on Keeping an Owl as a Pet

1. Legal issues

It is legal to own an owl as a pet in the UK, but in the US you cannot own a native owl. Migratory Bird Treaty Act protects these birds. License for keeping an owl will only be granted to those individuals who are falconers, keeping an owl for breeding or educational purpose, part of a rehabilitation program.

2. Owls require a lot of space

Owls require a huge aviary to live in, where they can exercise regularly. And must have access to fly and spread their wings freely. They also need a place to bathe regularly to keep themselves clean. Not many people have this kind of space available.

3. Owls have specialized dietary requirements

Owls are carnivorous birds so their diet consists of fresh meat such as mice, rodents, and small birds. Feeding raw meat is not very pleasant. The leftover meat will create a mess and a bad odor.

Birds seeds, pellets, and vegetables are not an option for an owl.

4. Owls can be destructive

In the wild Owls are fierce carnivorous raptors. When kept in captivity they will destroy your furniture and tear your pillows apart. Keeping a wild animal at home is not an easy task, it requires pure dedication and consistent care. Birds of prey are very difficult to tame too.

5. Finding a vet is difficult

Only a specialized vet can deal with an owl. Not many vets are familiar with this bird. Moreover, Owls can become very aggressive with strangers so only an experienced vet can tackle an owl.

6. Owls are nocturnal

Nocturnal animals are asleep during the day and active at night. This creates problems as owls make noise during the night and you and your neighbors might get disturbed. You cannot cope with the owl’s routine and this will create problems for you and the owl.

7. Owls need constant care

Owls are very demanding birds, they need your constant attention. Once they get acquainted with a person they will not let any other person come close to him. This means that you can never leave your bird with another person or a petsitter. If you want to own an owl you might want to forget traveling as long as you have this bird. If you own an owl then you cannot travel alone, you’ll have to take your bird with you.

8. Owls make a lot of mess

Owl’s poop has an awful stench because it consists of digested meat. Moreover, they poop a lot. This creates a very problematic situation for the owner, regular cleaning of the aviary or cage is needed.

If you can overcome these challenges and you still think that you can handle an owl as a pet then you can have one. But owls are wild birds and they belong in the wild so it is never the best choice to have one at home.



Saqib Ali

A pharmacist who loves to write and loves animals. Check out my animal blog