Coo-Coo For Coconuts

Cracking open the truth on this superfood

Katy Cable
Published in
5 min readJul 27, 2021


Photo Credit: Pugbugduckmug/Tumblr

A New Cure-All

After a fabulous visit to Hawaii several years ago, I began swirling a heaping spoonful of organic coconut oil into my morning cappuccino. Wow! Suddenly I had a delicious cup of ALOHA! I also rubbed it into my dry, peeling, sunburned skin for immediate relief. It worked great when in a pinch when I needed some hair conditioner. I also found swishing it in my mouth gave me shiny, white teeth and was perfect for relieving canker sores and swollen gums. When my pug Olive began feverishly licking it off my fingers, I rubbed it on her coat, peeling nose, wrinkle folds, and dry paw pads. It made a perfect moisturizer. Imagine my excitement to learn this tasty, healthy fat was now being touted as the new MIRACLE CURE-ALL!

Cracking Open the Truth

I’m a HUGE fan of coconut oil and buy jars of it by the caseload! When a trusted friend sent me an article by the American Heart Association warning of the dangers of coconut oil, my own heart stopped! As I began looking into their claims, I was hit again with another major crackdown on coconuts.

Dr. Karin Michels, adjunct professor at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public



Katy Cable

I love PUGS, cappuccinos and bad carbs. Put my Hashimoto’s into remission with simple food swaps. My holistic tips can help save you a rent payment in vet bills