Animal Cruelty | Perspective

“Double Trouble” is an Adorable Name For a Cat

Sadly, her life was lost to a useless animal experiment.

Phoenix Huber
Published in
4 min readApr 15, 2021


Photo by Leonardo Yip on Unsplash

*Trigger warning: animal cruelty*

When I first learned about vivisection, I didn’t know even cats and dogs are can be tested on in a laboratory… in the United States of all places. Here, dogs are cats are usually considered worthy of a good life and protection from violence—begging the question of why we don’t expect such mercy for all animals.

Double Trouble” was the name given to a female orange tabby cat, who had lived in a lab at the Uni of Wisconsin-Madison. During a surgery, researchers cut into the cat’s skull. Then they put poison down the ears to cause deafness. They were implanting devices in Double Trouble’s head, preparing the cat for later tests to study how the brain processes sound.

The anesthesia wore off. Double Trouble woke up in the middle of surgery.

Oh God. I can’t imagine waking up to the excruciating headache of a strange giant standing over me with a drill.

My stepmom recently had a knee surgery. Obviously, the doctors took good care to anesthetize her. Veterinary doctors, too, are committed to minimizing the discomfort of animals we call “pets.”…



Phoenix Huber

Trans girl. Beyond-human ally. I unite with members of my species for all sentient beings. Free hug: uberpath@gmail. Feed me: