Game Day — My Account of Wrangling Cats to the Vet

A story of strategy and teamwork

Dakota Duncan
Published in
5 min readJul 2, 2021


Today’s challenge is one I have been dreading for weeks: taking our two cats to the vet. My wife and I approach this event like we’re coaches preparing for the Superbowl. We discuss various strategies for getting these two wild animals into one small carrier.

“What if we shut all the downstairs doors so we can trap Jasper downstairs in the back part of the house?”

“His screaming is going to alert Max who will then run and hide.”

“Can we lock Max into the upstairs closet while we deal with Jasper?”

Seriously, we could be diagraming this play on a whiteboard. We agree on a strategy. I diligently begin to enact my part, managing to close the door to the closet where Max is sleeping. Before I can get to step two, I hear my wife call an audible. Apparently, she’s changing our plan.

“I have Jasper in the downstairs bathroom, get the crate!”

I rush past the bathroom and into the garage where I have the crate standing by. As I grab it, I realize I didn’t put a towel inside. Quickly I grab a towel from the nearby laundry room., rush back into the garage, and toss it inside. The towel makes our…



Dakota Duncan

I’m an animal lover, author, and artist. I love learning about small but amazing creatures. See Captivating Creatures