How A Ran-over Cat Became a Gift That Kept Giving

We didn’t expect this to happen after saving a stray cat

Tina S
Published in
5 min readJun 3, 2021


Photo by Jessica Lewis from Pexels

On the 12th of March 2019, a white cat with black and orange spots walked into my life. Well, Teetee didn’t actually walk, she limped. Let me go back to the beginning.

On a Tuesday morning, my father and I decided to take a quick stroll around the neighborhood. It was a beautiful sunny day in the village and as busy as ever.

As we enjoyed the sun soaking into our skin, something was about to happen that would change our lives. Our stroll was abruptly interrupted by a sharp screeching of car tires a few feet in front of us. The horrifying howl-like sound that followed caught my attention.

We looked up, and before I could fathom what was happening before my eyes, I found my dad running to the site. I tried to follow but it felt like my legs were glued stiff. I stayed still, staring at my father as several scenarios ran through my brain.

A few moments later, my dad bent over and as he got up, a bloody, frightened, stray ran-over cat emerged in my fathers’ arms. A scream fell from my mouth as my heart dropped.



Tina S

Nutritionist that writes everything related to good physical and mental health. For writing services, please contact: