How Do I Ask the Spider to Help Pay Rent?
An experiment with human-nonhuman communication.
I imagine they would tell me to fuck off. They would scrunch up on seven legs to throw the spider version of the bird right at my naked body as I look up at the webbed ceiling. Maybe tomorrow.
I moved into a two-bedroom in an old brick building last October when the leaves were still not yet turning color, confused by the slow seasons in the age of climate change. It’s a nice enough place. A few cracks in the wall, old wood flooring, and what appeared to be original light fixtures. I am not picky, though — mostly because the rent is not that high. The water runs, the fridge works, and the doors lock.
I share this space with another person who actually signed the lease: my roommate, Cam. She’s great. We eat lots of vegan meals and watch painfully funny reality television to escape our hectic, coming-out-of-COVID lives.
As the months have gone by, we have watched the apartment become our own. We leave books open to the last page we read, fill the compost bucket near our side door, and — to Cam’s constant distaste — I leave my socks stuffed in every imaginable place. It's just…nice.