Education | Pet ownership

How to Medicate Your Pet Stress-free

Tips on improving a stereotypically traumatic experience

Darby Days
Published in
5 min readMay 2, 2021



No matter how hard we try, our pets will at some point need medical attention. Unfortunately, medicating your pet can be difficult and stressful; most animal medications have poor mouth taste and feel, and administering prescriptions is a whole other obstacle.

Thankfully, over the years of working as a Veterinary Assistant and through fostering animals, I’ve identified multiple strategies that help make medicating your pet stress-free.

Let’s get started!

The Meatball — Put your pet’s medication into the centre of a wet food ball.


  • Wet food
  • Your pet’s medication
  • A spoon
  • A bowl or plate
  • Gloves (if you don’t want to get your hands dirty)
  • Your pet’s regular food bowl

How to:

  1. Scoop a heaping tablespoon of wet food and set it into a plate or bowl.
  2. Place the medication (tablet, liquid, chewable, or capsule) into the centre of the…



Darby Days

Toronto-based Creative Director | Founder of Creatures