It’s Not Your Fault, Cats Are Masters at Hiding Illness

Like other prey animals, mother nature has given them the gift of hiding weakness until they are already past the point of no return.

Dr. Deb


Photo by Cassidy James Blaede on Unsplash

I want to talk about something I see all the time as a veterinarian. Dogs and cats come in, with owners telling me that their pet hasn’t eaten in just two or three days. However, many have usually been sick for much longer than that.

While dogs are good at hiding their illnesses, thankfully, they still express some pain and discomfort that humans can easily detect. When it comes to cats, that task becomes very difficult. It’s important to know that cats are so great at hiding their illnesses, their owners don’t notice until it is too late.

But it’s not their owners’ faults. If we really want to blame someone, let that someone be mother nature.

Picture a cat in your mind. Do you see a strong, silent, graceful, yet fierce hunter? Do you see a creature who has mastered the art of hunting and killing so well that ecologists have found outdoor domestic cats are effectively driving many species of birds, bugs, and other small mammals towards extinction? Cats are true carnivores, meaning they can get all of the nutrition they need from eating other prey animals…



Dr. Deb

Dog and cat Veterinarian, avid traveler, and foodie.