Anecdote | Pet ownership

Just A Cat And Her Toes

The cutest physical anomaly there ever was

Harley Jane
Published in
3 min readMay 7, 2021


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Polydactylism is the genetic mutation that results in having more than the normal number of toes or fingers. This overload of cuteness is much more common in cats than humans.

Thank goodness because it wouldn’t be nearly as adorable if my husband started pawing me with his extra thumb.

But on a cat, it’s hard to think of the resulting adorable mitten-like paws as a “mutation.” These extra little piggies are pretty much the cutest things I have ever seen.

I just want to bite them.

Even President Theodore Roosevelt would agree with me (well, I am not sure about the biting part). He had two cats living with him in the White House and one of them, appropriately named Slippers, had an extra toe on each of his front paws.

Try to tell me these aren’t the most precious things you have ever seen:

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Check these babies out!



Harley Jane

Animal lover, numbers nerd, CPA. Writing on various topics including animals, personal growth, soul searching, entrepreneur journey, and some comedic relief.