Pet Ownership | Anecdote

7 Things I Changed When I Became A Cat Mom

I don’t regret any of them

Nancy Parish
Published in
4 min readApr 18, 2021


Harper Lee/ Photo courtesy of the author

I’ve always loved cats. When my elementary school held a hobby show, I displayed my cat collection. I had stuffed animals, ceramic cat statues, and cat books. Whatever I had at home that had a cat on it, in it or about it, I brought to the hobby show. I’m sure I even attempted to bring our family cat, Dusty but was shot down for logistical reasons and common sense. When I moved out on my own, it wasn’t hard to believe I would adopt a cat of my own.

What I didn’t expect to happen were the changes I made once I became a cat mom — the things you do for love.

1. Buying flowers

Before I became a cat mom, I would occasionally buy myself flowers from the florist section at the nearby grocery store. I continued to do this when I adopted my first cats. They had a great time knocking over the flowers and playing in the carnage they created. As I’ve gotten to know more about my feline friends, I learned that some plants are in fact quite toxic to them. It was with that knowledge that I backed away almost entirely from buying flowers.

The few times I’ve purchased flowers since I’ve adopted my cats, I’ve focused on florals my cats could tolerate. PetMd lists…



Nancy Parish

Amateur Cat Herder. Previously, Contributing Editor for CWIM. My ebook Life with Scout: The Blind Kitty Chronicles avail.