Perspective | Pet ownership

The Importance of Walking Your Dog on a Leash

Sure, “your” dog might be friendly, but mine isn’t.

Elizabeth Eve
Published in
4 min readMay 5, 2021


Photo by Jenni Combs

This was my dog circa 2005. I was wrong to have him off-leash.

It wasn't about how friendly he was; it wasn't fair to the dogs who weren't as friendly. Those dogs have every right to enjoy a walk just as much as any other dog. They aren't “mean” dogs as I used to think; they simply have their preferences and are trying to enjoy a walk like any other dog.

An article with the subtitle, “The benefits of walking your dog off leash,” has popped up on my recommended reading for a few days now. Every time I read the title, it struck a nerve. Deeply. I caved and reluctantly read it to see what points the author may have. After all, I didn't want to be closed-minded and was open to hearing a different perspective than the one I am so passionate about.

It’s a well-written article, but I respectfully disagree and feel I owe it to reactive dogs to share the other side of the leash. Just as the author acknowledges, it’s a controversial topic. The author is not wrong, there are benefits to being off-leash, but only under the right circumstances.

I’ll never forget an incident that occurred about fifteen years ago. My dog…



Elizabeth Eve

Forever a work in progress. Writing about pets, body image, self, and other reflections. Always written with vulnerability and authenticity.