Animal Anecdote

The Outlaw Jesse James, a Rescued Dog

Bald guys and biker dudes need not apply

Patty Latham


The Outlaw Jesse James. Photo by the author

We have collected rejects, the lost, and the homeless — horses, dogs, and cats. All our children are loved and wanted, and here and now so are the horses, dogs and cats.

Jesse was a reject.

Some of the following is known. The rest of the story could have gone like this:

Jesse as a pup was chosen by a mom with little kids who lived in a little trailer in a little town in New Mexico. Near a train station. The Dad was a big guy with a shining bald pate, dark beard, and a loud motor cycle.

The little kids loved the puppy until she pulled on their pant legs, dashed between their legs knocking them down, licked their faces free of smeared baby food and peanut butter. Still, the puppy made them laugh.

Not so much the mom who didn’t have time to walk the pup outside in the middle of the night when the eight-week-old pup couldn’t hold her urine any longer. Not so much when she found the pile of puppy doo behind the chair in the living room. Not so much when she shoved the pup in the back bathroom and the pup began to cry then howl as the motorcycle’s roar sputtered to silence and the trailer door swung open for Daddy Bear. The kids were quiet but the puppy wasn’t. Neither was the train whistle a few blocks away.

“Shut it up or I will, goddammit,” he growled.

She couldn’t without letting the puppy out of the bathroom.

The puppy came skidding around the corner, tail windmilling, looking for the kids, for food, for fun, and stopped in front of a tall, brown work boot. She couldn’t get outside. She squatted and peed.

The boot sent the puppy flying out the door where she crashed into a trash can, cried out, then crawled back underneath the trailer steps.

Day next and next and next. Repeat. Until the sound of the motorcycle set the puppy back to the bathroom, ears back, trembling, squinting, remembering, fearing, and then, hating. Motor cycles, train whistles, and bald guys with boots.

The mom called animal control. The officer came. The mom called the pup outside where she ran to the three little kids standing solemnly off to the side. The puppy leaned against the oldest kid who reached down to pet her ears. The tail flagged once.

The animal control officer was not bald but he was big and he wore boots. When the mom picked up the pup and handed her over, the puppy began to wail and struggle. The officer held her tight and placed her in a cage. The pup scrambled to the back of the cage, cringing, whimpering, as the truck moved away from the children to the county shelter, a three-day kill shelter.

The officer had a heart and knew the pup had a chance. He called the local humane society and sent them a picture of the striking blue merle pup with orange eyes. He figured they would find her a new home. She looked like an Australian Shepherd mix, a favorite with ranchers and trail riders. We’d been looking.

“Does she like kids?”

“We don’t know. We haven’t had any kids in to the shelter.”

“How old do you think she is?”

“We don’t know. Maybe three months?”

“Can you check her teeth? See if they are all puppy teeth?”

“We can’t actually get near her?”

“Wait. What?”

“She screams and cries and cowers in the back of the kennel. We are trying to give her some time.”

“I can’t adopt a pup that doesn’t like kids. Doesn’t anyone have a kid that can stop by just to see if she is afraid of them, too?”

“I’ll ask.”

The animal control officer had two kids of elementary school age. They came with him to the shelter during Spring Break. The pup was hiding in a back corner but when she saw and heard the kids, she tummy-dragged herself to the front and when the officer opened the kennel door, she crawled into a lap. All the answer I needed.

We sat on the floor in front of the kennel door and just talked quietly to the pup without looking too much at her. The blue merle swirls of her coat with copper eyebrows and those wide golden eyes were mesmerizing but the whimpers and cramping of her body into a corner were heartbreaking. I had dog treats and pieces of string cheese, but the pup wasn’t lured. We continued to talk to each other and finally, tentatively, the pup crawled forward. I kept my hands down, open, treats available. She sniffed but didn’t eat, then sighed and crawled into my lap. I stroked her downy puppy fur and she closed her eyes.

She didn’t cry when Jim helped us up, or when we signed the papers to make her ours, but she screamed and thrashed when we opened the door to the truck. I don’t think she could melt into me any closer as we settled in the front seat and Jim clicked the seatbelt over us. It took me minutes to extract it from around her.

Weeks later, Jesse would “load up” in the truck, on a stump, on a bench, on the bed, and against all recommendations about not challenging a dog by staring in its eyes, Jesse wanted eye contact and hugs before treats, before dinner, before going outside for romps or rides.

She is not an Australian Shepherd. At all. She is a Catahoula Leopard Dog crossed with Border Collie and some other working breeds and she shows it. She is territorial, tough, intensely loyal. She makes friends only on her terms and in her own time, with people, with dogs, and she would rather plant herself in front of the barn to survey the access to our ranch than follow us around. She crouches and slinks toward us or her playmate, predator in practice, but spins and runs like a banshee around and around. She howls with the coyotes that prowl the perimeter of our place.

Pass a motorcycle on the highway and her feathered tail droops and her ears fold back against her head.

It took her two years and several visits to allow our son-in-law to touch her. He’s bald. And gentle.

Lessons known and lessons learned:

  • Pups require attention. Sometimes undivided attention.
  • They don’t have bladder control until after twelve weeks. That isn’t intentional.
  • Sharp puppy teeth and housebreaking do not go well with diapers and little spaces.

Socialization lessons are pretty much etched in gray matter by the time a pup is fourteen weeks old. Love and space and time only moderate trauma from the weeks before.

In the predawn hour as I read on the couch, Jesse gently touches my arm with her paw and when I beckon, she climbs into my lap and stays. All 51 pounds. The trusting side of the Outlaw Jesse James.



Patty Latham

Veterinarian CSU 1975. Mom. Rider of mustangs. Author of Napa Valley Vets, novel Colorado Blood, and over 20 case reports and features for EQUUS and on line..