The Reality of Pet Obsession

Aimee Holmes
Published in
5 min readJun 6, 2020

Has it been brought to your attention that you might spend a little too much time focusing on your pet? Are you concerned you might be alienating your human friends and family with your constant talk of all things pet-related?

Are you worried you’ve gone down the road from love and companionship… to obsession?

Photo by Mitchell Luo on Unsplash

Probably, you’re only human after all.

Let me try to ease your fears. If the below doesn’t describe you, then you’re probably one of those people who has a pet but doesn’t let their entire life revolve around them. They exist… I think.

Vacations are not on your radar

You haven’t been on a vacation in years, and don’t see one happening for the foreseeable future, regardless of the pandemic. It’s not that you don’t want to get away, but realistically who could you trust to watch your pet? They have very specific needs and affection quotas that only you can provide… right?

No of course, it isn’t that you’re worried your pet will like your pet-sitter just as much as they love you. You know their love for you isn’t conditional on you being the bringer of food, and you don’t need a vacation to prove yourself, right? Besides, you know you would just spend the entire vacay sending requests for photo and video proof that your pet is being well taken care of.

The bed is a shared place, where fur and feathers are accepted

So maybe you and the human(s) you share your home with agreed, “no pets on the bed”, or the even more unlikely and ridiculous, “no pets on the furniture”, at some point in the distant past, but let’s be honest — a little fur here and there is a small price to pay for naptime snuggles with your pet.

Plus, they are so soft and fluffy, and the way they cuddle into your arms when it’s bed time is so much cuter than listening to your human partner have a comfortable sleep. Maybe your partner has a legitimate reason for not wanting the pet on the bed, like allergies or asthma. Sure, they need to breathe, but do they need to do it here? Where your fur-baby is snoozing?

You use labels like “fur-baby,” “bird dad,” and “cat mom” sincerely

This might get you some weird looks from your friends and family, but what else are you supposed to call yourself? They are your baby, and you are their parent. Anything else just feels… weird.

Your furry family member comes first

It’s not like you are a “crazy cat lady,” you just have certain priorities. Of course you want food, clothes, and rent money. But, what does Mr. Whiskers need? The two-bedroom, under-budget basement apartment you found was almost perfect — but where were you going to put the litter box? And there just weren’t enough windows for your bitty. It just didn’t make sense for your most important family member. Now the studio with the bay windows you’re considering is so oddly shaped it doesn’t exactly have a space for your human bed, but look at the view Mr. Whiskers gets! Isn’t making them happy the most important thing?

Your insta hasn’t seen a selfie in years

You’re cute, but we all know that your pet is decidedly cuter. Have you ever noticed how when the light hits them at a certain angle, they look like a little angel? Or that they hold the secrets to the universe in their eyes? Of course, you have, and you have the photos to prove it!

You don’t have time to switch the camera around and snap a cute pic of yourself (unless your pet is in it too, of course) — you are too busy being personal photographer for your fur-baby and cataloging every adorable moment, to share with the world. If you don’t document it, how will everyone else “get it”? They might call you obsessed, but can’t they see why?

No one ever asks you what you want for your birthday

If they really know you at all, they know that anything pet-themed will do. Matching bandanas for you and your pup? Best gift ever. Cat-themed socks? Purrfect. Treats for your bunny? That is a gift from the most thoughtful person you know (keep this in mind when their birthday rolls around).

Your bio clock is ticking, but the adorable sounds your pet makes are drowning it out

Of course, human kids sound great! But, will Fluffy be okay with them? Maybe, but best not to risk it. You don’t want to upset their routine. Give it another decade or so.

Photo by Alexandru Dragomir on Unsplash

Sound familiar? Yes? Thank goodness! You had me worried for a second there, but you’re one of us now.

Welcome to one of the most comforting parts of pet-ownership, where a simple video or photo of your cute animal can turn your entire day around. Here, a little stretch or yawn from your fur-baby is enough to remind you to slow down and shake off the stress of the world.

They aren’t just a “pet”, they are a family member with a special hold on your heart. They’ve changed your life for the better in more ways than you can count, and we’re here to celebrate that. We won’t judge your need to share photos and stories of your pet doing mundane and everyday things, like sleeping. We get it, they aren’t just sleeping — they are altering space and time with how adorable they are, and warming your heart in the process.

So you are a little obsessed — the reality is you can only spend a small portion of your life obsessed with them, so embrace it while you can.

